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Blertas At Avoca


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Headed to Avoca rocks today to hit the run in tide for a bottom bash.

Got down there bout 2.30pm this arvo and it was quiet as it has been for the past 4-5 days.

Had a large grab and run (never seen line peel of a spool so fast before) but once I tried to strike, must have pulled the hook cause my bait was still intact once I retreived the rig.

2 hours later, and 2 (non local) fisherman taking a spill on the slippery rock ledge, with a silent chuckle :074: local Ray R rears his head to wet a line in this beaut location. Gee I love the Central Coast.

Not much happens for another hour, then at about 5.30 ray hooks up a nice Trevally. (He calles them Blurters, cause of the sound they make. Blurrrt, blurrrt) I'd never heard a fish try to talk before.

He caught it on stripey tuna bait, using a paternoster rig. I was failing with squid.

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G'day Peter, yeah twas a little quiet this arvo, I think if the swell was a bit more pleasent and safer, could have been a few fish around this evening.

Oh well there is always tomorrow...

My trev , pic taken by Mercer007 (Peter) mobile pic..


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