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Stella V Saltigas


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hey guys im looking to buy a large threadline combo for chashing marlin and tuna or jigging big kings. i am a big fan of shimano so at the moment the stella is in front but i though i would see what other raiders think. and also any suggestions for the rod


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Do you like Holden or Commodore? Cause thats what it comes down to!.Never ending debate mate.... like Netic said, have a search youll find plenty info.

Good luck, there both top reels.

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If you had of asked this question some months ago i would have said the stella but i would now say the saltiga.

I believe there is only two ways to explain the stella and they are a spare sinker and something you leave in the toilet after a number two.

I have both a 20000 stella and a 6500 saltiga and after just completeing 97 days of fishing the stella will spend most of it's time left at home with the rest of the rods and reels.



P\S Go diawa

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Both are very good reels but debate over this matter just goes ugly as it gets longer. So its just preference. Which one you like most and just googling the topic, not just in australian sites but worldwide reviews.

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