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A Day Out At

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Gday Raiders,

I took my boy out today to Bobbin Head - mainly to get him out of the :wife: 's hair. I took the light rod in the hope of some bream or a flatty. Arrived at about 11am and went straight to the pontoon.

Today was our first serious fishing lesson. I slowly took him through the whole setup from lure to reel. He was most upset to realise that i use the little lure to catch bigger fish. (He loves playing with lures etc in the garage and has become fond of this particular one).

For 2 y/o he's not to bad - he handles the rod gently and doesnt mind handling bait.

Flicked a small popper, and a variety of soft plastics for nothing. Saw plenty of small bait fish jumping around but I didnt manage anything.

He had a ball and I had some quality time.


Edited by tan the fisherman
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Although he may not have caught anything during this session, it would have been a very good educational time for him. Having a dad that is willing to spend the time to show the young fellow the ropes is fantastic, being able to spend some quality time with a future is something that you will treasure for the rest of your life.

Maybe this should become a regular thing with the two of you and then you will have a fishing buddy for life.

I can't wait to see the photo of him and his fist fish, that will be a moment to treasure. I still remember the look on my young fellows face when he caught his first fish and he is now nearly 19.


Mrs Flightmanager

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U didnt take one of his favourite lures out of his water tub in the garage did ya?


nah - I left those ones in the garage - they dont swim properly, have been stepped on etc.

Probably should have taken one to try out as I didnt get anything on the good ones!!

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Its good to see Dads like u take your kids fishin in an early age. Ive done thesame. Now my son is 12yrs old and most of the time he would cast a lure out more precise or futher than me w/o even trying hard.

Good Ya!

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thanks for the replies everyone - he loves everything about fishing - the magazines, the tackle shop, the rod & lure collection and most of all fishing itself. I try and take him out with me as much as I can.

It takes a little patience but the rewards are huge!!

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Nice One! Catch em young and train em!!

I've been fishing at Bobbin head on and off for 30 years and it can be "difficult". Later in the day is better and it's often worth berlying up for yakka's if you want to let him catch something!

These days the bream are more used to eating bloody chips from the cafe! In fact they are now probably too full of chip fat to eat!

The Jetty at Apple Tree Bay on a weekday when there are not so many boats on the ramp can be more productive. I've caught everything you can think of off that, including a snake! Mind you most things you catch during the day are better suited to an aquarium than a plate!!

Still the serenity............... :1fishing1:

Edited by MikeyR
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Good onya Tan!! You know the old store "give a bloke a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him to fish and he'll go broke feeding tackle shops!!!"

Seriously - its the best present you could ever give you kids.


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