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Yakkin With Roberta.


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G'day Raiders.

I caught up with Roberta today as she & Keith are up in Byron Bay on their annual pilgramage.

We hit a stream inland from Lennox Head that I hadn't fished before but I had my suspicions that it would hold some bass.

No hurry on the North Coast. :biggrin2: I got to Roberta at 7.20 a.m, loaded her yak & the kitchen sink :074: , & headed off to explore new territory. :thumbup:

Threw poppers around for no result & then switched to a plastic for the same. Roberta was a bit peaved that she had left her spinnerbaits behind so I paddled over & introduced her to TT spin blades with a jig head & grub attatched.

After she had a a couple of hits & follows I switched to the same & managed a small & fit wild bass.

We continued casting at everything, admiring the turtles, waterdragons & myriad of bird life along the way. This was one pretty stream.

I missed a good fish & not long after in the same pool Roberta manages her 1st for the day. 3 casts later she pulls another one! Great stuff.

That was it for the fish. Not a great day fish wise but perfect conditions, a few wild North Coast bass & a serene river to paddle on made for a very enjoyable day.

It was great to catch up again after a couple of years Roberta. Thanks for the company & I hope we get some fish out the back when you're here on Monday.



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A likely pair of predatory yak fishers, sounds like a nice place for a paddle and to score a couple of fish too is an extra bonus..

Good onya Grant and Roberta..


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I really didn't want to say it ... but ... how's the serenity!

What a great way to spend a few hours. I feel sorry for you Grant living in such a "terrible" place! :wacko: Although, I guess someone has to do it!

Great report and good luck Monday for you and Roberta.



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I really didn't want to say it ... but ... how's the serenity!



We mentioned that a few times to each other at the time Peter! :074:

The wind looks kind so I've organised an arvo session with Roberta on Clarrie Hall Dam for Monday arvo. There will be plenty of 'how's the serenity' pics & hopefully some fishy pics in that post. :biggrin2:



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Glad to see you showing a fellow raider your secret locations Grant. Sounds like you and Roberta had a fantastic day on the water, maybe not a lot of fish, but who could complain with scenery like that.

Good luck to the pair of you for Mondays session, and hope to see many more photos from your neck of the woods.


Mrs Flightmanager

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What a way to relax... exploring a new bit of water, catching the odd fish, and catching up with other Raiders. Roberta sure looks like she's got a well oiled ship (or Yak), with every bit of space efficiently utilised. I should hire her as a space management consultant for Slinky (the boat... not me).

Glad you both had a nice session.

Cheers, Slinky (me... not the boat)

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Great set up Roberta

I was thinking of getting a Kayak a little while ago but now have decided to build my own sit on top.

Will post pics once i get started on it which may take a while as the :wife: wants me to finish current projects.

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Many thanks, Grant, for that fantastic day on the 'river' ..... creek, really! It was gorgeous! The 2 little fish finally fell to my somewhat inaccurate casting ...... I caught more trees & logs than Grant & was jealous of his pinpoint accuracy!! :1yikes: The Serenity really was terrific, too! Medieval forests on both sides, really spooky!

Keith did well in the Byron Bay triathlon oin Sat, doing 2hr 40min (he was the oldest in the field, so a pretty good time!) given that some virtually took almost 4hrs! ....... then we headed up to Murwillimbah today & caught up with Grant & Di & the boys. Magic spot on the Tweed River ..... then we headed up to Clarrie Hall ..... and wouldn't you know it .....3rd cast & Grant says "I'm on! and it is a gooooood fish." A very nice 42cm bass is brought to the net & photographed ......but you'll have to wait for Grant to post the pic! :)

SHortly after, I missed a hit & alas, that was it for me today ..... we had a bit of rain, but not too much - and then got back to fishing, hoping for them to fire up around dusk, but it was not to be! Got lots of casting practise tho! :)

Will be heading up to Qld tomorrow & hope to fish Somerset Dam this weekend with yakking buddies. Try for some more bass. :wacko:

I caught up with Wendy/Gdcalmer at Nambucca & had a flick with her ..... great catching again. We had dinner at the pub near the camp ground, so that was really nice, too! Yummy Lamb shanks! :)

CHeerio for now - will check in later with fishing action (hopefully!)


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