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First Post, Nice Little Bream


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Hi everyone, this is my first post but I have been enjoying reading and learning from all yours for a few months now! I put the boat in on Friday at Roseville. Drifted from Chinamans to Clontarf a few times and noticed it didn't take long for the leatherjacket to find and destroy my SP's. I then decided that "If you can't beat them, eat them". So I switched to some dirty re-frozen prawns leftover from a weeks ago and proceeded to land half a dozen in no time at all. In the middle of catching the leatherjacket I caught this nice little 31cm Bream - on one of those dodgy prawns! It was nice to come home with a bag of fish - and I was surprised at how tasty the leatherjacket are...


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:1welcomeani: to FR mate, those leather jackets do cook up pretty good but I must admit the bream would be my preferred choice.

Good first post mate and I'm sure we will see plenty more..


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very good work

im just jealous cos i need a boat

if it makes u feel any better i was LB under Roseville bridge for 3 hrs sunday and didnt get a bite - tried prawns, chicken, squid. And neither did anyone around me. Im now convinced there are no fish there at all.

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