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Nasty Weather.


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Just a heads up for anyone living in or heading up to the Northern Rivers & Mid North Coast regions.

It looks like we will cop major flooding & gale force winds over the next few days. :1badmood:

It's one of the nastiest looking weather systems I've seen in years. I hope it changes course but that's not likely.

Take care on the roads & avoid travelling if you can.

I'll be in the shed all night getting everything up to higher ground. I'll put the bung in the boat, take the strap off & be ready to go!!

Take care all.



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Good luck Grant - hope you guys don't get flooded again! Can't believe it - after such a perfect weekend, for it to turn so ugly so quickly!! At least you have reasonable warning this time & know what to expect!

Give our love to Di & the kids


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I know what you mean Grant. Forster got it will bad this afternoon. High winds and heavy rain. It did feel like a hurricane. Driving across the bridge from Tuncurry to Forster, couldn't see the lake with all the rain. Thought for a minute I was Moses and driving across the lake with the amount of water.

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I hope it goes away as fast as it came in and is kind to our mates up there particularly Jewhunter who got the brunt of it all last year and I hope all of our members and others up on the far north coast and SE Qld are spared from any major flooding.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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