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Spinning For Tailor


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Hi Raiders,

just a quick update.

I visited my favourite local spot on the northern beaches late yesterday afternoon with my small flick stick and some silver wobblers. As I arrived the tailer were jumping :1clap: , as if they were pleased to see me!! I quickly sent out my lure and got three fish on three casts :thumbup: . After that I lost a heap as the hooks pulled, and finally gave it away around 6.50pm. I didnt have the camera with me, but the larger one was about 40cm.

Went back there again this afternoon, and had to wait for the fish to come on, but eventually they did.

First hit was a trevally that I lost as i was lifting it out of the water. The next five fish which were tailer were all lost , either as I attempted to lift them, or they managed to shake the lure :05: . I finally figured out that I had the drag too tight :wub: , and as soon as I loosened it I began to land fish. I bagged 5 good fish and still lost a lot, before I gave it away as the water turned muddy brown :thumbdown: from the run off from the squall that came through.

You can see in the second pic the small fish they were feeding on, and my lure which was the right size for the time. Yesterday they were feeding on small gar, and I was using the same small lure. Interesting , if you look close, you can see that both small fish have been bitten just behind the dorsal fins. Most of the others I retrieved from the gut of the tailer had the same injury, with a couple of the smaller ones swallowed whole with no damage.

Had tailer for dinner this evening, beautiful!! :biggrin2:

Hope to try again tomorrow.

tight lines.


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Nicely done, I gotta try spinning for tailor one day...

Been catching a couple on plastics, and they're just annoying. Although I haven't caught any at that size so far.

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Nice looking feed of fish Sails. Next time out, try swapping the trebles on your lures for singles... Gamakatsu make some lure singles (with an 'in-line' extra large eye).

I used to have the same problem with tailor until I switched. The hook-up rate is slightly lower... maybe 2 hook-ups out of 3 hits instead of 4 out of 5 or so... but I only lose maybe 1 fish in 8 or 10 instead of about 2 in 5.

Cheers, Slinky

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Well done Cam - great looking fish! Try smoking some - they are really nice.

Leaving Kingaroy today to head towards Wuruma and Cania Dams! :) Should get away from the rain today! Been raining here since we arrived on Monday.



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Well done Sails there are some nice take home tailor in that lot Cam, we are very keen on the more decent size tailor in my household.... also it might be a good time for you to have a top of the tide down jew session and use a couple of good size tailor fillets up there while the big tailor are still running.......


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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That's an awesome catch, Mate If u dun mind telling, I live around central coast, is there any good spot for spinning for tailor apart from avoca!! Luv to catch them on spinning!!!!!!



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Well done Cam - great looking fish! Try smoking some - they are really nice.

Leaving Kingaroy today to head towards Wuruma and Cania Dams! :) Should get away from the rain today! Been raining here since we arrived on Monday.



But even if you can find big enough papers they're a bugger to light! :tease:

Cheers, Slinky

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well done cam - I know how much you and christine love eating fish but I dont think I could resist trying for a big beach jew with fresh tailor fillets!! you must have had a ball catching them on a light flick stick.


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