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Cold And Flu Remedies


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Heres one,

You can buy a product called 'Beta Glucan' although I have found it hard to get in Aus . It is a concerntrated soluable fibre extract from the cells wall of bakers yeast and Barley.

This product has been proven to jump start your immune system and put it in overdrive. Mostly your immune system sits idle waiting for infection then goes to work. When your on this stuff it goes flat out regardless by increasing the number of white blood cells or macrophages. These cells recognise foreign invaders and kill them quiclky. By increasing this cell count you beat a cold quicker. Doesnt cure a cold of course, but ive found it knocks it over a lot quicker and the effects arent as bad.

It also aids in cell regeneration for skin and is used by burn victims. Cancer patients are now trailing it with the theory that increased white cell count will counter invading cancer cells, instead of being overun by them due to low numbers not recognising the cancer cell.

This concerntrated product is also linked to lowering cholesterol and is found in high concerntrations in mushrooms and whole grain food.

Best of all there is trace amount in beer -

Answer - drink more beer.


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G`day Fellas ,

ROB , I cap full of Apple Cider Vinegar , Taken 3 times a day in a Schooner size glass of Water , is the best Cure for everything and especially a dose of the flu.

Alternative medicine Guru`s will happily explain to the non believers of just why it works .

My entire family and I have used this legendary preventitive medicine since day one , we are all exceptionally healthy , and have not had a cold in 15 odd years.

And although you will still feel a bit off colour at times , you will never get as bad as someone who cops the flu out of the blue.

The Taste is a bit off at first , but after a few days , you dont notice it ! , so , dont delay By some today , its only about $4.00 for a 750 mil bottle.


Edited by OWZAT
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Mick my dad is a bit of a health nut and comes home every week with new remedies. He was onto the apple cider for a while and you're right the stuff is pretty good. Other than the apple cider I just keep my fluids up and sometimes have the odd echinacea tablet. I eat heaps of chilli and garlic anyway. :thumbup:

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As soon as I feel the sniffles coming on I head straight for the Vitamin C tablets. The orange berocca soluble fizzy type ones work the best.

One in the morning and one before bed.

Always works for me and it's been a few years since I've suffered from the flu/cold. :thumbup:

Probably just put the mockers on myself. :1prop:



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Go to the doctor & get 2 weeks off.  Then go fishing.  That will cure anything.


Thanks guys, I'm into the echinacia and garlick and horseradish suppliments, but I gotta say Pedro's suggestion is the most appealing, lying under the doona watching dvd's with a little bell to ring when I need something I also thought was a good idea but the :wife: wasn't as enthusiastic as me on that one.

So alas I'm at work feeling like sh*t. :thumbdown: but at least I can sneak a peek here from time to time :thumbup:

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G`day Fellas ,

ROB , youre wasting time mate , whip out to the nearest store and get the Cider and get stuck in before it takes hold of you.

Also , a little trick if you are in an advanced state before you pull the doonas over , take the night dose with slightly warm water.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 ......Bingo!


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This is the one my old man uses, all you need is a hat and a bottle rum................

You get in to bed under the heaviest doona you have. Tracky dacks and a jumper will also help.

Put the hat on the end of the bed and have a shot of rum. Look at the hat. Have a shot of rum, look at the hat. Repeat until you see 2 hats.

When you can see 2 hats jump under the doona and go to sleep. All going well you will wake up with a bit of a hangover and the flu will be but a memory.

Even if it doesn't work you will have fun trying :thumbup:

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G`day Fellas ,

Hey Rob , glad to hear you caught it in time , and you are feeling somewhat better.

But keep it up for a few days , otherwise it will not be effective.

( Hannibal , and ( Alexander the Great ) both who conquered Europe at different times , pay tribute to Apple Cider Vinegar as being the saviour of their men wounded in battle.

It had then I think , the same effect as do Antibiotics today , its just that most people today prefer to pop pills , rather than use natures own .

The trifecta would be some PB`s on the weekend , so good luck .


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