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Woolooware Bay


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Launched at the north side of Captain Cook Bridge and crossed the river. I drifted east across the mouth of Woolooware bay with some poddies but I didn’t get any hits. I had forgotten the battery pack for the sounder so it was hard to find the holes at the mouth.

With the wind strengthening I decided to go inside Woolooware bay and fish with lures around the oyster leases. Spent quite a while flicking all sorts of plastics at the leases but only had a few small hits. The wind made it really hard to keep in contact with the lure. Not having much luck with the plastics I tied on gold SX40 and an old gold DK lure I had. I trolled around the set of leases closest to the moored boats but only got a small bream on the SX40. Went over to the SE leases and trolled up to the shallows. Got another small bream on the SX40 and then had a better hit on the DK which turned out to be a 41cm flathead.


Set up a troll again and got some more small bream on the DK lure and then just as I past the end of the lease I had a good hit and after a few tense moments after the fish went around a big patch of weed I had a good flattie on board. It was 53cm


I got a few more small bream on the DK but nothing seemed to go for the SX40 so I put on a pink Attack lure and trolled back to the SE leases. As I was crossing the bay I had a screaming run on the pink attack. I thought I had hooked up to a salmon or tailor but this fish wasn’t jumping and was hanging down deep. It took me a few minutes to work the fish to the surface and to my surprise it was a good trevally. It was just over 40cm and my first on a hard body lure.


I was surprised to find a trevally up in Woolooware bay after all of this rain. I put the attack back in and just as I was setting the second lure I had another screaming run and after a top fight I landed another trevally just over 40cm.


After that I lost the school and I continued on to the SE leases. I trolled around for another little bream and flathead and made my way back to the mouth. I decided to troll through the moored boats on the way to the mouth and just as I was passing the last boat I had another screaming run on the pink attack lure. I thought it was another trevally but there were a lot more head shakes and it was fighting on the surface. I finally worked it to the yak and saw that it was a good bream. Both hooks were into the fish but there was a tense moment as I lifted the bream in as one of the hooks pulled but luckily the second hook held. The bream went 34cm.


I trolled around a bit more but only got a small flathead so I called it a day. After a slow start it ended up being a really good day and I ended up with a good feed.


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Great catch of finned critters Mako :thumbup: , good fishing skills shown to work out what they were after and you ended up with a good feed of fish.. :fisher:

Congrats mate..


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Great session Mako,

Thinking the river would have been too fresh, I hit Kurnell this arvo hoping to get some pigs close to the rocks but the swell spooked me too much. I only scored a couple of trevors and a few small flatties just inside Kurnell.

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