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Nrl Ref Matt Cecchin Steals Manly's Big Win


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hi Guys,

as most who know me im a footy tragic and love a great game whoever is playing..

ive been known to even criticize ref decisions that go in favor of my beloved chookies so am pretty impartial in my judgments no matter who is playing....

Now i am really fed up with such poor ref decisions and 2 weeks in a row have determined the outcome of games with mistakes that were so blatantly obvious some deaf blind mute in the nose bleed section top of stadiums picked them up :ranting2: ..

with modern technology why the hell dont we use it to overide or tell the ref to re-assess his mistakes when they are so obvious or crucial to a games outcome....

over the years there have been the odd one here and there that meant teams lost but these days there should be no excuse...

i was impressed at how subdued Des Hasler and matty orford were...

me,well id be banned as i would of threw ball at refs head :gun_bandana: and walked off and the media conference woulda been the best 10K manly ever spent...

as for manly fans hopefully those 2 points don't haunt you in the final run home as im sure you will be in with a chance..

Dan you must of been shattered after that mate...

anyway thats my rant and i feel a little better for getting it out...


ps: yeh i know the roosters couldnt win a chook raffle atm :tease:

...... always next year....

mmmm bit of dujavu...im sure ive said that before :1prop:

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I know how you feel. My doggies got shafted last week against the dragons. We scored a match winning try with 30sec to fulltime, which was disallowed by the video ref Steve Clark. This cost us the game. Then two days later he says it was a try and got it wrong??? Everytime Steve Clark has someting to do with a dogs game, he always seem to heavy penalise us, or things seem to go against us. I think he knew at the time it was a try, he hates the dogs and say no try.

If the NRL can remove points from a team over an error like they did with us against Penrith a while ago, why can't the NRL give us our points if a real bad decision by a ref costs a team a game? There have been some shocking decisions over the last few weeks. Who knows what is going on.

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No sympathy for Manly win some lose some Just remember there lucky win over the Broncos with two dodgy tries

The bad refereeing antics by some of the players and current financial status is going to hurt rugby league so bad it could be the begining of the end

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The Canterbury one last week was an absolute shocker but yesterdays Manly one wasnt so bad.

At first look when it was shown in full speed it looked for all intents and purposes that Orford had taken him out. It wasnt until they slowed it right down that it became a bit dodgy.

I certainly dont want to go down the path we heading last year with the video ref being called in for every little incident. It was making the game a bigger joke by sending it towards a Gridiron style three hour event.

I say put up with a couple of bad decisions now and then (they usually even themselves out) and keep the game flowing.

I would be more than happy just to see the Sharks in a position to get a bad call.


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I look at it this way preston didn,t have the ball and orford hit the player without the ball.

Every other time all players attack the ball/go for the ball.

orford hit the player. if the ball was in the ingoal would orford have grounded the ball or hit the player.

i know it wasn,t in the ingoal but you get my drift.

I am not a fan of either team

but wish my team could kick a field goal

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yeah Steve I was filthy with the decision but unfortunately like everyone else we have to cop it on the chin and move on.

Even though the sh1t decision decided the final result, we should have put them away well before that. Jamie Lyons catch and pass which he put down was a certain try as well as Tony Williams drop ball. We made some sh1t decisions at crucial times.

Its looking very grim on the Manly front thats for sure!

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Imagine the uproar if it was the Grand Final, especially the Bulldogs, Dragons decision..


thats the thing thats most upsetting ray...

yeh it potentially can as theres a big problem with good refs these days...

good to see some mixed responses guys...

theres always gonnabe a lucky bounce of the ball either way so to speak in footy but as ray said when it determines an outcome and so blatant and getting too frequent its sad to see...

dont get me wrong i never want to see all things sent upstairs as constant whistle blowin will do as much damage...

and when even the video ref gets it soooo wrong maybe theres no hope :1prop::1prop: ...

in the end if the team that played the best wins then im ok as s@#t happens sometimes...

as for the chookies lets see them lose this w/e...

other than the sharks the bye is only one to look so sad chasing a win :wacko: ..


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The more I see this incident repeated on tele the more I think the ref got it right.

When two blokes are contesting a ball they are entitled to bump and jostle but prior to getting the ball Orford deliberately swung out in front of Campbell and knocked him out of the way. As he didn't have the ball at the time he only had the right to hold his line not shift into Campbells way.

Totally unbiased view as I dont support either of these teams but given the way the Sharks are going I may have to pick one of them in the future.


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Totally unbiased view as I dont support either of these teams but given the way the Sharks are going I may have to pick one of them in the future.

yeh its not a good year for either of us dave......

its like a marriage for me... through good and bad times.... unfortunately theres abit too many bad times of late...

yeh i do recon he deliberatly got his body in the way but still contested for ball not like the soward contaversy...

i think slow motions not good idea most of the time as it makes things look alot diferent than reality....


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I was totally pissed with the final minutes of the Dogs/dragons game, being a rabid dogs fan i tried to justify the dickheads decision but cant. If Clark had any balls he would have overruled the vid ref after watching the video like the rest of us.

Totally piss poor by the league, i can handle the of field dramas that unfold because at the end of the day they are young fellars with too much money and time and sadly just represent what happens elsewhere in the community, and i think as long as they are dealt with by the law so be it.

But Gallop and co hold themselves as the god almighty of all things League and cant get decision that effect the outcome of seasons right, screw em I have promised myself i will watch no more league this year they can go and get ........

Rant over

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What goes around comes around. The refs are generally honest and despite all the technology in the world will still make errors. In the end it all evens out.

Manly have had plenty of errors go their way. What about that Showpony Hartley who gifted Manly a Grand Final!

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I am a Sharky fan myself, so really, I got no grounds to talk about other teams this year, look at the table...

However, if there are two teams that I love to hate, its Manly and the Bulldogs...

Needless to say, love the refs work...

Last two weeks have been great apart from the sharks going from bad to worse.

Keep it up ;)



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