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Fishing Of 2seat Kayak, Partner Needed


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i need a fishing buddy from now till end of 5th june for my uni holidays

monday - friday , mainly fish the early mornings.

mainly fish kurnell but welcome to try new places

its a viking tempo 2 with electric motor

just some carrying to launch

bring own gear lures etc or bait

names CJ , meting point would be lakemba, sydney

kayak on top and off we go in my car.

pm me

man im bored at home doing nothing =)

just a photo to show im not bluffing, and what the kayak looks like, tho the motor setup is different now.


Edited by cjchen
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Hi cjchen, that's very nice of you to offer a spare seat in your yak to another member :thumbup: ..... I'm sure you will be able to get others to do sessions with you, it's such a good way to fish....


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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