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Date: 6/6/09. Time: 0300-0800.

Location: landbased. Sydney harbour. Somewhere between bridge and the heads but not from a wharf.

High Tide 0713 at 1.29m. 2 day before full moon. Moon setting around 0530.

Conditions: minimal cloud in sky. Light westerly winds ~5kt. Water calm. Raining most days the last 2 weeks but 2nd week much smaller amount and last couple of days small amounts.

Barometer: 1011 with slight rise to 1013 by ~0500 to 0900 then a steady drop to 1009 from 0900 to 1600.

Water temp: unknown. Reasonably clarity.

Comment: Nil activity from 0300-0600. Rebaiting every 30-45 minutes or so to keep the bait fresh.

Hooked a good jew at around 0600 (barometer had been steady at 1013) using a skinned wing from a large southern calamari caught 1.5weeks prior (the uncleaned, unskinned wings and head being vac-sealed and frozen day of capture). Bait had been in water about 15 minutes then massive hit and run (drag set at less than 1 kg), picked up the rod, tightened drag and struck to set hook. Great runs when more pressure put on the fish. It went 70cm and weighed 3kg. It's stomach contents interestingly contained: cubed pillies - a head and mid body segment - still easily recognizable - ie. hadn't been broken down yet, so presumed eaten recently (which does suggest you could catch jewies with a bag of pillies from the servo... as long as you hit the right spots, I guess everyone has heard of amazing jewie bycatches when going for bream or any species that will take a pillie) - stomach also contained a fish frame of some sort about 15cm long, no head on it.


Anyone have any theories about the jewie run? Why do they smash and run - given the bait is dead? I'm presuming they inhale the bait (versus nipping or chewing at it) then feel the hook points then get spooked and start swimming off at speed. Or is their competition for the bait and thus they have to smash and run off with it.

Tried to catch some yakkas for live bait but ended up catching a PB mullet (32cm) from a peeled prawn. Apologies about the crap photo! Haven't caught a mullet since I was a kid fishing lane cove river weir - and these were all 15cm or less in size. Not really targetted them since then. It was quite a good fight. Going to fillet and skin it and try to convert it into some bream off the rocks...


Edited by klainz
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G'day Esky,

that's the best shot of a yowie I've seen in years! Beats the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin 16mm footage hands down! (by the way, that footage has never been formerly debunked...) You should send it in to channel 9!


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Extraneous? Do you mean:

extraneous [iks-train-ee-uss]


not relevant to the situation or subject being considered [Latin extraneus external]

Hmmm. Each to their own ways, I guess. Apologies for the written diarrhoea, starcityslic.

Dens, don't think that was me at kirribilli. Maybe a guy that catches but never tells.

Edited by klainz
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....Location: landbased. Sydney harbour. Somewhere between bridge and the heads but not from a wharf.

.........Anyone have any theories about the jewie run? Why do they smash and run - given the bait is dead? I'm presuming they inhale the bait (versus nipping or chewing at it) then feel the hook points then get spooked and start swimming off at speed. Or is their competition for the bait and thus they have to smash and run off with it.

Hi Klainz......A Jew snatches and possesses a bait like like a dog mouths a hunk of meat and moves off just like a dog would do before pausing and settling down to eat it..... A jew would crush his food first using the second row of teeth which are controlled by a powerful muscle just above the gill plate and then inhale it down whole ....... Besides the fact that jew have a hollow cavity mouth, it's best to use hooks like mustad o'shannessys, eagle claw octopus hooks or preferably their wide gape kayle hooks which also make excellent bi catch hooks and their 7/0 kayles make good live bait hooks on larger live baits..... All of these hooks have the point of the barb directly facing the eye of the hook and hence the mainline follows the actual direction of the hook against the pull of a fish... this keeps the hook, the line and the rod tip in the same direction as the pull and can only increase the chances of having a solid hook up rate... i.e.either during the intitial run and pull on on a dead bait or a small live bait, or after the jew has swallowed the bait straight down, the barb direction of these hooks generally avoids rejection of the food a jewfish takes which is a regurgitation process known as a jewfish spit out......

Anyways, well done catching a jew in the Harbour landbased Klainz...there would be nothing wrong with parking under the bridge at Milson's point late at night from the bottom of the tide up and fishing off the wall using a pair of 4/0 kayles which will handle school jew and the bi catch as there is likely to be anything coming in there the way this winter is going at the moment....


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Sorry ,Klainz I did not mean to rain on your parade. :1badmood:

My point was that if we wanted we could have found the relevant moon, atmospheric pressure, tide, etc from info available on this website.

As I to am a LB Angler I realize that you may be reluctant to divulge the exact location of these Jewfish.My self I well understand the problems that 'outing ' even inadvertantly, a good spot is a disaster as all the grubby hoons rockup and defile the location with rubbish!

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Well written report klainz and I find that the details are not extraneous at all, good work :)

My point was that if we wanted we could have found the relevant moon, atmospheric pressure, tide, etc from info available on this website.

I myself prefer the extra details in a report so that i can learn from the experience of other people. Isn't it more convenient to have the poster collect and include in their reports the moon phase, atmospheric pressure, temperature etc. what are you complaining about?

It does not hurt to have a few extra sentences of detailed information in reports, (apart from the poster who may be revealing "secrets") and i am sure most people on this forum will agree. It takes a bit of effort to note all of the details and write a good report, a bit of appreciation is warranted.

If you don't wanna read all the extra details, just skip them and look at the pictures. I cannot get enough of these details and would prefer one of these reports to one which lacks any substance and merely consists of "i caught so many fish today".

I will be taking note of your future reports klainz, ty for sharing your experiences.

Edited by monch
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Well written report klainz and I find that the details are not extraneous at all, good work :)

I myself prefer the extra details in a report so that i can learn from the experience of other people. Isn't it more convenient to have the poster collect and include in their reports the moon phase, atmospheric pressure, temperature etc. what are you complaining about?

It does not hurt to have a few extra sentences of detailed information in reports, (apart from the poster who may be revealing "secrets") and i am sure most people on this forum will agree. It takes a bit of effort to note all of the details and write a good report, a bit of appreciation is warranted.

If you don't wanna read all the extra details, just skip them and look at the pictures. I cannot get enough of these details and would prefer one of these reports to one which lacks any substance and merely consists of "i caught so many fish today".

I will be taking note of your future reports klainz, ty for sharing your experiences.

Just what I was thinking, well put monch :thumbup:


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Great report and well done to all those punters who like the extra details, I know I do.

If you reveiled 'YOUR SPOT' to everyone else, especially in a forum such as Fishraider then it would cease to be 'YOUR SPOT' and would just be another place for every Tom, Dick and Harry to drop a line. Kudos to you. Can't wait for your next report. (With the extra detail, please...)

Cheers, and nice Jew.


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