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Friday In The Harbour - Now With Pics


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Howdy raiders,

Hit the harbour with spongy and his mate on firday and this how it went:

Furst up we threw some placcies at various markers for kings and got 2 small rats. Gave up on that and decided to have a look outside around Nth head, tried for kings again but no louck there so i decided we should have a crack with some hard bodies for bonito or tailor.

We ended up getting 8 bonito on small hard body lures around Nth head .. only smallish sizes but still big enough for a feed.

I then lost the lure that was getting the most strikes and whaddya know the bonnies decided theyd had had enough.

Went went back inside the harbour and tried a few marks for kings for no luck so we cruised back past a hole we spotted earlier, spongy notices some arches on his new sounder so i dropped a live yakka to the bottom and 30 seconds later i was on ... to a lovely John Dory :) my first ever and not a bad size at around the 45cms mark.

Only managed to land 1 or 2 more rat kings after that .. but a great day in all as it wasnt spent at work :1fishing1:

Will post pics when i get em sent to me

Heres a pic of a bonnie and the JDpost-3611-1244523367_thumb.jpgpost-3611-1244523380_thumb.jpg

Edited by daleyboy
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A big thanks to Spongy for the day out on the harbour :1fishing1: I had a great time learning from Dale and Spongy. Also the rats were great fun. Dale hopefully the lure will be found soon ,as the bonito are here.

I will have to land more next time.

Here another shot of Spongy with his bonito. post-5875-1244535123_thumb.jpg

Spongy I also tryed some as sushimi really nice thanks.

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