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Hawksbury On Sunday


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Gday raiders, decided to go for a fish early sunday morning. headed out around 6:30. headed to a little spot i have had some succes there.. wasnt much really happening, a few good bites but thats about it.. We ended up getting 4 little port jackson sharks, 3 bream there sizes were 28cm, 27.5cm and 24cm. so a nice little feed there.. at around 9:15 my little brothers rod has a soft enquiry. he picks up his rod ( shimano slade 2500 series with 6pound fireline) and lifts slowly then suddenly he is on. this fish started pealing of line for about 20m then stop. he retreived most of it till about 2m from the boat i started to see some colour then bang a another nice little run. at this stage i thought he may have a decent tailor since the flash of colour was silver. as the fish surfaced we both has realised this is his maiden jew measuring at only 40cm although any serious fisherman would know your first jew is always special. we netted him and had a good look. this being the first jew i have seen made me realise they were such a pretty fish. anyway we were both really stoked to have the opurtunity to see such a wonderful fish. not much happend after that the fishing had died decided to head home at around 12. but it didnt really matter by then the my little brothers maiden jew made both of our days. cheers Gary.

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I was out near West Reef on saturday with similar results Port Jacksons and Hammerheads...

Congrats to your bro on his first jewie!

I'm sure he can't wait to get out there again and get a few more!



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congrats little bergo on your first jew you will never forget that moment when you felt the bite in the rod butt

and by the way your brother was talking about it at work today he was just as happy, about time you signed up to fishraider i think

cherrs gary b

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lol really.. yeh im still waiting for mine ai. cant wait. its good cause we have really only been fishing serious for like one year. so yeh im quite happy with my progress so yeh...

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