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Botany Bay


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Hi everyone,

I went for a fish with my mate Bill and the next door neighbours teenage

son Jonathan in the Bay yesterday. The young fella is only just starting to get into fishing so

he keeps asking to come along with us and learn the ropes.

After taking him out to Browns last week we thought the bay would be a good spot

to take him this time. Anyway we showed him the ppp and we were all into some fish

within 10mins. We ended up with 22 keepers all Trevs and a few Tailor, we even

managed to land a nice size squid on a peeled prawn. I wanted to put the squid

out as a bait, but Jonathan wouldn't have a bar of it. "To good tasting to waste as bait." he

says, so we let him keep it.

here's a pic of our catch.


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good on ya

squid yuk ,tastes like a bit of rubber


Hey Stinger,

You must be doing something wrong if you don't like squid. Try boiling it in whole water with added herbs and garlic for about 3/4 hour. Drain and let cool then coat in breadcrumbs and fry very quickly. Better than any of the other fish in Penguin's catch. Give it a go and you won't use it for bait too often.


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good on ya

squid yuk ,tastes like a bit of rubber


haha i thought the same before i tryed to make salt and pepper squid i still use most my squid for bait but the bigger models are now prep'd and thrown in the deep fryer! yum! hving squid for dinner 2nght hehe :tease:

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Hi everyone,

I went for a fish with my mate Bill and the next door neighbours teenage

son Jonathan in the Bay yesterday. The young fella is only just starting to get into fishing so

he keeps asking to come along with us and learn the ropes.

After taking him out to Browns last week we thought the bay would be a good spot

to take him this time. Anyway we showed him the ppp and we were all into some fish

within 10mins. We ended up with 22 keepers all Trevs and a few Tailor, we even

managed to land a nice size squid on a peeled prawn. I wanted to put the squid

out as a bait, but Jonathan wouldn't have a bar of it. "To good tasting to waste as bait." he

says, so we let him keep it.

here's a pic of our catch.


Well done great effort

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Hey penguin,

I haven't been out in a couple of weeks. Is your not-so-secret secret spot producing any bream or have the trevs taken over? I'm still planning on getting out there this weekend if the weather isn't too windy and/or rainy. See how many of your fish I can rustle up...

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:wacko: GR8 stuff Penguin,

Did you salt down the Tailor for bait or are we having smoked fish pie for dinner?

Those trvors can be reall spectacular as sashimi straight out of the water and still twitching!

Onya buddy at least ya got out there.

I am stll cowering in front of the boobtoob with a fan heater under the coffee table.

Gues I am just a wimp in my dotage

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Hey penguin,

I haven't been out in a couple of weeks. Is your not-so-secret secret spot producing any bream or have the trevs taken over? I'm still planning on getting out there this weekend if the weather isn't too windy and/or rainy. See how many of your fish I can rustle up...

My not so secret spot didnt produce anything on the day, Trev alley had the fish.

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