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Eating Fish From West Of Harbour Bridge


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Hey Guys,

Im quite a newb at fishing but I was wondering if its okay to eat fish from west of the Harbour Bridge, more specifically around Longueville Park area? I remember hearing something about bad toxins or something in parra river.(is it parra river?)

A friend of mine took me one night to a wharf on Stuart St, we managed to catch a couple of yakkas and a small bream that went back. We used mince and breadcrumbs.

Im just wondering if the yakkas are okay to eat because he said they were good for sushi and i might plan on going back to get more.(definitely cheaper than buying salmon from the shops)

Also are there any other wharfs that one can fish around that area, specifically for yakkas, I've searched whereis but I'm not sure which wharfs would be private or public.

Many Thanks. :thumbup:

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im sure some of the more experienced heads will have more complete answers on this one but my 2c worth:

- w of harbour bridge a potential no-no for eating especially for

- bottom dwellers

NSW Fisheries (link at top) has a study on this on their website

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Lol :yahoo: good advice musty, It actually makes sense ... Im not gonna be eating it everyday.

Cheers for the info kiwineil, i checked the fisheries website but cant seem to find anything on eating guidelines except for shellfish. Maybe it was a couple of years ago the toxins were high..

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Go hard mate. I eat anything from anywhere just about!

How much fish are u actually going to eat? Seriously unless ur gobbling down 500grams every other day for the next 20 yrs i dont think u'll see any impacts on ur body and quite frankly, we're probably all screwed from the air we breath and the genetically modified crap we eat in the 1st place. Take a drive through the m5 tunnel for example, ur asking for cancer doing that with ur windows down.

If the fish swims she's good, take a bite and if it tastes clean then finish it off! I go by that theory but then again im rough as guts and ive learnt to HTFU!




Ive figured out how musty catches all those fish!

He glows in the dark! :tease:

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Go hard mate. I eat anything from anywhere just about!

How much fish are u actually going to eat? Seriously unless ur gobbling down 500grams every other day for the next 20 yrs i dont think u'll see any impacts on ur body and quite frankly, we're probably all screwed from the air we breath and the genetically modified crap we eat in the 1st place. Take a drive through the m5 tunnel for example, ur asking for cancer doing that with ur windows down.

If the fish swims she's good, take a bite and if it tastes clean then finish it off! I go by that theory but then again im rough as guts and ive learnt to HTFU!



:Funny-Post: Brillant comment mate and pretty honest really.


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We have always eaten the flathead from around cockatoo island and never had a problem...i think the cut off point used to be the gladesville bridge but now they say its the harbour bridge....it was in the news in the last year or so that the families of some commercial harbour fishos had high levels of mercury (i think) in their systems from eating too much fish from the harbour.....i think they were eating it 2 to 3 times per week for many years so moderate levels would be fine imo. As for eating yakkas? Do us all a favour and target the leather jackets instead! A tasty fish with much more meat than a yakka.

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Basically I would not touch anything around Homebush Bay or Duck River (Camellia) or in between. I work in the contaminated site industry and can advise the crap from there is not good (Dioxins). There are metals in the harbour sediment everywhere even east of the bridge mainly from stormwater inlets so I tend to stay away from bream unless from a beach (Bream seem to have high dioxins) other than that if it swims and can catch a hook in it's mouth it is suitable to eat.

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Thanks for all the replies guys, guess i wont be eating too many from around that area.

Im only asking concerning that area because its the easiest for me to get to.. and that still takes around 50 mins drive..

Also concerning the leather jackets id definitely would target those but have no idea where to get them or what bait to use.

I like catching yakkas because i can bring some kids along, give them some handlines and they have heaps of fun..

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Click on the link below page 11 has a chart showing dioxin levels in different species and where they were caught. Hope this helps.


I have been told most of the dioxin is a result of Union Carbide making agent orange at Homebush but there is no proof as the government at the time never asked them what they were making. Now we import, untested Vietnamese fish and prawns untested go figure.

Edited by welst
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I just got a leaflet with my 'Recreational fishing fee' renewal that says not to eat anything from west of the HB.

They say you shouldn't eat more than 150g generally per month from east.

Mind you it varies a lot and that is about the absolute minimum.

Most raiders will be happy to to know that you can eat almost four kilos of leather jackets per month. So everyone can do their part on that one.

You can have a coupe of kilos of kingy's and flattys.

The food authority website has details.




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Thanks for the link Jason , the information there is pretty good. Sucks that you can only eat one bream, tailor and about 8 yakkas. I've never caught anything else but would definitely look into targeting other species from now on.

If anyone knows any good landbased areas to get leathers that would be tops and what kind of bait do you need for them?

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Do all the fish west of the bridge know they are contaminated?and what happens if they visit their mates on the other side ??????and get caught do they have a sign around their necks saying dont eat me.Or you catch a fish that has eaten a fish from the wrong side of the bridge.Get real this government are a bunch of dickheads. Just look at their statement today that a lot of the trains run late due to an act of god.

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Hey Reggie,

The big problem is not the government or the fish.

Its those Dickheadds at Union Carb888 who polluted our beautiful waterway, just like they killed thousands of people in **dia.

We ought to get together in a class action and sue their asses to hell and gone.

Get em to buy Florida and ship it to 10Ks off Sydney so we can have a bit of tropical fishing!!!

I am angry about this as used to live in gladesville in the 70s and scoop 20l buckets of prawns fron the ledges under the bridge.. Our kids cant experience this because of these pr##ks



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