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Splendour Weekender (byron Bay)


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Hi all

im heading up to the Splendour Music Festival in Byron on the 24th and 25th of July

we are staying a few more days in Byron to wind down after the festival

looking at taking one rod (7 footer) for a spare arvo of fishing (within 30 min drive of Byron ) with my friends who have similar sized rods

Any tips would be appreciated, eg.

if the rocks are dangerous/accessible?

if the beach produces any fish?

if there are any calmer spots?

if we are wasting our time with 7 foot rods? haha

its hard to tell from google maps but there looks like a small inlet from the beach, is it worth a shot?

Thanks all

Edited by Pinkus
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Hi Pinkus

Watch out for the Marine Park zones & feral Byron Bayers (I have been harrassed by some when fishing in OK areas!) - the southern end of the main beach is a no-go area. From memory, a lot of the northern end is too, up towards the creek! I don't think you are allowed to fish too far offshore, either. You can fish from shore from in front of First Sun Caravan Park & down to the exposed rocks on the southern end. Bream, whiting & flatties. There is a tiny sign up n the sand, indicating it is a marine park zone from then on.

Take all your gear with you - there are no tackle shops there any more!

You would probably do better to go to Brunswick Heads (not too far away) & fishing there (tho they also have marine park zones, but not as bad.)

Go to DPI site & check out the Marine Park maps!

Cheerio & Good luck


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thanks Roberta!

ill check it all out, we have limited space in the car with tents and luggage and all that so only taking the basics but tackle box will def be included

looking back at google maps, Brunswick does look better for a relaxing arvo fishing, the only problem is that some one is going to have to be DD now!

As for my entrance trip, im heading up this coming weekend. I'll PM you how the blackies are up there, looks like there is some mid week rain coming too.

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