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Red Emp & Spangled Emp (possible Record?)


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This was about a year ago,

The Family and myself went across to Western Australia for the hollys and whilst they were off snorkeling with the manta rays i managed to book myself in on a charter... Muhahaha!

We were pulling in alot of sweat lip but nothing to special but towards the end of the day the skipper took us over to a special reef and lent me his small game fishing rod.

I dropped to the bottom and my bait got smashed by these two suckers in a double hook up! I was using a double paternoster rig. They fought for about 25 minutes before i managed to get them to the surface and the decky hauled them on board for me.

The Red Emperor was 6.5 Kgs and 93 cm

The Spangled Emperor was 3.6 Kgs and 72 cm (I was thinking that might be a record)

I caught them both on 25 pound braid using a mix of pillys and squid as bait



*sorry about the poor photo quality, off my phone :D*

Edited by Bass Master
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