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Only 1 Quick Fish Over Easter


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No fishing this easter due to having visitors all easter and work, fishing was not allowed to be on the agenda as I am going bush for a week soon on a property between Taroom and Wondoan in Qld.

But Sunday came along they were all sitting there talking and not doing much and the weather still looked pretty good, there was a chance.

Ducked out about 3pm for a couple of hours with a promise to be home for tea.

Tried for a live bait at west head with the plan to slow troll a couple of livies around here and pittwater, with not much time did no good getting livies so plan B.

Trolled a couple of lures around and caught a couple of tailor in front of west head, made my way down pittwater one strike and no good. With the amount of boat traffic and wash I was sought of glad there will always be next weekend.

With the bigger tides and rain we have just had the area around Patonga, F&S and West Head had very dirty water.

and I made it home just as tea went on the table.

There is always next time


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Hi Patrick,

At least you got out, however the boat traffic was horrific in some places.

I managed a quick flick this morning before the kids got up for two decent Bream and one Mullet. Gee the old Mullet goes hard on 4pd.

Have fun in QLD.


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