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Winter Lizards In Botany Bay


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I decided to have a crack at some lizard luring in Botany Bay yesterday. Left home at 6.50am (white frost on the ground) with two mates and launched in the Cooks River. Great to see the improvements to the ramp there since I last used it - a new pontoon that makes launching and retrieval much easier.

Went to one of our old lizard luring spots - one that we have neglected in recent years as we seem to catch more elesewhere. About half an hour later my mate landed a 62cm lizard. A promising start in the cold water (14 degrees) and with a gentle but chilly south westerly to north westerly blowing. No too long later I landed two very nice sized flounder on a 70cm squidgy fish - a welcome bycatch that will be dinner tonight!!

As the breeze eased and the sun rose higher to give us a perfect winter morning on the water we moved around the general area and over the next three hours landed seven more lizards in the 45-50cm range. All were taken on lures - squidgy fish accounting for six and a 5" Berkley jerkshad in camo colour doing the trick for the other two. I had re-read Dene Moore's article from the July edition of Fishing World again the previous evening and we followed his advice and kept the lure movement nice and slow. All the fish except one were neatly lip hooked as Dene describes - the other 47 cm fish scoffed an 80mm squidgy fish so hard the the jighead was was at the back of his mouth! Thanks are due to Dene (and Hodgy) for sharing their experience and expertise with readers of "Fisho" and on this site.

While not an earth shattering trip in terms of fish numbers it was good to get out and try for some winter lizards and to have some success first up. No photos - they are on the mates camera but I may be able to add a couple later if he does the right thing and emails them to me.

Bring on September/ October!!

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We were using the wind to drift from close in to shore out to a depth of around 3.5 - 4 metres. Most of the fish seemed to come from around 200 meters out in about 3 metres of water.


Edited by kel
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