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South Head Flattys 2

jason baker

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Hi Guys,

Another great day on Saturday so I thought I would try and repeat the performance of earlier in the week and catch a few flatties.

Feeling the pressure a bit this time as many enjoyed the fish and chips that resulted from the last trip.

I also need to convince the :wife: that is wasn't a complete fluke, (my record thus far is less than good so she can be forgiven for thinking this).

So arrived with high expectations, only to come crashing back down as I lost several rigs to the tin snips (LJ's). Moved around a bit for nix, just lost bait, rigs and patience. I haven't had experience with the LJ's before this, spitefull little buggers aren't they.

So I decided that if I couldn't beat the tin snips I was at least going to get my revenge and take a few home for dinner. On with the small hooks and away we go.

All that resulted in was catching little flatties. If there are little ones there there hopefully will be some bigger ones too. So back to flattie fishing

The wind came up a little after that so I actually started to drift a little faster, and these guys started to appear.


Size... it seemed to matter, with the bait anyway, bigger bait leading to bigger fish.

They seemed pretty willing to take just about anything too, got some on pillies and some on sp's. Only the larger sp's accounted for any fish, as I only had a couple of large ones the sp fishing didn't last long, they got smashed.

This isn't the best angle... never are, let the :wife: take the photos, I'll be taking them in future. Anyway 6 of the fish are 50cm, they looked very healthy to me, quite solid.

So I have have some very happy friends who say they have had the best fish and chips of their lives. Had fish tacos for lunch, bloody good, and can't wait for several more meals of one of my favorite fish.

Not to mention the suprise from everyone that I have actually caught some fish. One of the best moments of the trip was arriving home. Possibly the only thing bigger than the fish was :wife: 's eyes.

It's funny the feelings just catching a few fish can stir up. It has certainly made me bloody happy.

Took me a while to skin the buggers, wish I had read the post about skinning them before I started, not complaining though, loved every minute of it really.

I 'd say we are pretty lucky to be able to have fish like this on our door steps.

Anyway had an awesome time even a bit of cheering even though I was out there with Pat M.





Edited by peschi boi
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Hi Guys,

Another great day on Saturday so I thought I would try and repeat the performance of earlier in the week and catch a few flatties.

Feeling the pressure a bit this time as many enjoyed the fish and chips that resulted from the last trip.

I also need to convince the :wife: that is wasn't a complete fluke, (my record thus far is less than good so she can be forgiven for thinking this).

So arrived with high expectations, only to come crashing back down as I lost several rigs to the tin snips (LJ's). Moved around a bit for nix, just lost bait, rigs and patience. I haven't had experience with the LJ's before this, spitefull little buggers aren't they.

So I decided that if I couldn't beat the tin snips I was at least going to get my revenge and take a few home for dinner. On with the small hooks and away we go.

All that resulted in was catching little flatties. If there are little ones there there hopefully will be some bigger ones too. So back to flattie fishing

The wind came up a little after that so I actually started to drift a little faster, and these guys started to appear.


Size... it seemed to matter, with the bait anyway, bigger bait leading to bigger fish.

They seemed pretty willing to take just about anything too, got some on pillies and some on sp's. Only the larger sp's accounted for any fish, as I only had a couple of large ones the sp fishing didn't last long, they got smashed.

This isn't the best angle... never are, let the :wife: take the photos, I'll be taking them in future. Anyway 6 of the fish are 50cm, they looked very healthy to me, quite solid.

So I have have some very happy friends who say they have had the best fish and chips of their lives. Had fish tacos for lunch, bloody good, and can't wait for several more meals of one of my favorite fish.

Not to mention the suprise from everyone that I have actually caught some fish. One of the best moments of the trip was arriving home. Possibly the only thing bigger than the fish was :wife: 's eyes.

It's funny the feelings just catching a few fish can stir up. It has certainly made me bloody happy.

Took me a while to skin the buggers, wish I had read the post about skinning them before I started, not complaining though, loved every minute of it really.

I 'd say we are pretty lucky to be able to have fish like this on our door steps.

Anyway had an awesome time even a bit of cheering even though I was out there with Pat M.





great work mate!! its a pretty good spot isnt it , although as you said it seems to be infested with LJs these days which is a bugger :thumbdown:


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Hey Jason

Nice catch did you find this spot using the sounder or you had coordinates? i found a patch at south head a few weeks back about 200meters out from the gap am i in the right area


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The flathead are certainly on the chew despite the ever present leatheries.

On Saturday, ten of us landed 38 flatties and 18 mowies off South Head and drifting to Rosa Wide. A few nice snapper and pigfish came on board as well. A seal kept us entertained for a while but not one fish came on board while he showed off his swimming skills.

It was a great day on the water and our most productive outing this year. Never underrate fishing off Sydney in winter!

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Hey Jason

Nice catch did you find this spot using the sounder or you had coordinates? i found a patch at south head a few weeks back about 200meters out from the gap am i in the right area



Thats around where I was, maybe a little further out. I just happened on the spot. Don't have any coordinates.

I started around the light house and drifted south. Sounder is busted so I don't know what depth it was.

I have a bit of trouble eyeballing distances over water, I was probably 4-500m off the rocks.

Cogo44, I was dreaming of a snapper coming up.

When you say Rosa wide thats off rosa gully, but how far out?

I did have a drift a bit further out but I was moving a bit fast, all I managed was what I think was a Gurnard.

I threw it back, I not to sure if they are good to eat, I vaguely recall they are good for stews?

Are they any good to eat?



Edited by peschi boi
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The best depths to fish in at Rosa Wide are 60 to 70 metres. But it's a big area so you need to mark your catches on your GPS so you can try those more productive areas on future trips. Because we have fished this area for about 20 years we have a good idea of where the likely spots are located. Of course there are never any certainties in fishing. We also try to go out when the solunar charts are looking good especially around the full and new moons.

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