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Ray Hutch Fish Winnie To Box

Ray R

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Hi Raiders, Hutcho and I fished the close in gravel beds and reefy drop-offs today

for not much at all , we tried many methods and different places but couldn't raise

a decent fish. there were plenty of pike and heaps of big yakkas as well as an

assortment of ooglies. The highlight of the day on the fishing front was Hutcho

and his big groper he hooked, this big fella dragged him around for a while and then

he slowly came up to the boat, gave us a wink, turned his huge body and with one

splash of his tail took off back to his hole with Hutcho's hook.

It was a magic day out there today with a bit of wildlife around and lovely conditions

guess we will have to wait for next time for a feed..






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.....It was a magic day out there today with a bit of wildlife around and lovely conditions

guess we will have to wait for next time for a feed..


Great photo this one Ray :thumbup: .....the no goose pimples relax should have been at the start of a jewfish session old mate :lol: like last year when I fished with that good bloke, the diver mate of yours... anyway we talked a bit and agreed we fish my spot and managed to get onto a few take home jew on one of the days the Pitt Town Classic was held....


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Thankyou Ray R,

for photos,report,knowing that I am not the only one to fish and come home with sweet F.A., and knowing that going to work this morning and seeing such a beautiful sunrise and day unfold, that you had the pleasure of enjoying it. :):):)

Here's hoping for 'Groundhog Day' !!!!! :lol::):lol:

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Hey Mondo,

Thanks for today although we didn't do very well. That groper was huge and gave a great fight on light gear but the highlight was that close up picture of the rock cod. I nearly spat my coffee on the computer. Imagine coming from another planet and that was the first thing you bumped into. Fairdinkum mate I laughed when I saw it.

And G'day Brian hope you are well mate and let me know when you are coming to the big smoke for a fish.

Regards, Hutcho

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Another great report Ray, although a bit disappointing in the fish department. "It happens".

I (like you and Hutcho), enjoy a great day on the water with a mate even if you don't catch a thing.

That big groper must have been fun.



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Are those Ugg Boots your offsider is wearing in the first pic?

Fair dinkum, is that his idea of deck shoes? If he didn't own the boat you would throw him over the side.

No wonder you guy's didn't catch much, a fish would be embarrased to be caught by a man wearing uggies.

Glad he aint my boss (anymore)


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