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Top Morning


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Got up early on Sun.To fish Blue Fish again.Arived at the car park at around 6am.We had to wait awile till it got light enought to walk down the gully. But by the time I got my wetsuit on and we got our gear together we see well enought to walk down.And what a beutiful sunrise it was.Shame the fishing was'nt as go.No pigsbut we did manage a few blackies :biggrin2: . Add to that a pod of dolfins comeing buy only about 10m out it ended up one great morning :thumbup:

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Shame you didn't get any pigs, but at least you scored a few blackies mulletmug.

Seeing a beautiful sunrise as well as a pod of dolphins close up is a bonus anytime!

I assume it was fairly cold if you were wearing a wetsuit.



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Shame you didn't get any pigs, but at least you scored a few blackies mulletmug.

Seeing a beautiful sunrise as well as a pod of dolphins close up is a bonus anytime!

I assume it was fairly cold if you were wearing a wetsuit.



To me it was cold.but then I'm a wimp when it come to the cold :biggrin2: .Alos if I do go in it gives a bit of bouyancey and helps against Hypothermia

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..... if I do go in it gives a bit of bouyancey and helps against Hypothermia

I don't know about wearing a wet suit and you hitting the drink John but having beer barrell buoyancy definately stopped you from sinking last time...

post-829-1249523527_thumb.jpg :D

Cheers :lol:

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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