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A Pb And What A Pb

Captain Pugwash

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After waking up with a well earned birthday hangover, I headed out to the farm today to wet a line. I have been frustrated as hell because my boat has been out of action for about two months. Both motors flooded by saltwater, blown head gasket, the pain just goes on and on.

Anyway I arrive about 3pm and the sou wester is whipping across the dam but out I went anyway. As mentioned earlier I have restocked the dam over the last two years with Bass, Silvers, Yellas and Cod. There hasn't been any fish stocked in there for 20 years or more so anything I catch I can tell if they are from this recent stocking program. I have been catching Bass about 8" long and a silver 9" and a yella at 13". All good fun.

With them being so small I went and bought a couple of 1-3 kg rods rigged with 4lb mono, just to make it fun, which is certainly has been.

So off I go trolling around the dam with these 2 lightweight rods out with Ecogear SX40's on. I also have a heavier baitcaster with 8lb braid in the boat and it has a spinnerbait rigged up, so I thought what the hell, I'll throw it out as well.

Well halfway round the dam on my FIRST run the spinnerbait gets smashed and is peeling string like there is zero drag. I grab the rod and the fish is headed straight for the trees that I have pushed into the water for cover. I thumb the spool to slow him down and manage to turn the fish. He then takes off again headed for the bottom. Anyway I fight this thing for 10 minutes, all the time thinking "what the hell is is?" It's not fighting like a silver so I have no idea what it could be?

I get it to the surface and damn near soil my britches. It's a Bass and I can't believe the size of it. It was approx 55cm long and weighed an estimated 8lb.

My Dad used to keep a journal of his fishing. I checked it tonight and the last time a Bass was caught in this dam was 1997 and it weighed 4lbs.

I took this very average photo with my phone. It doesn't show just how awesome this fish was but I was pretty keen to get him back in the water ASAP.

I have only ever caught the little 8" ones that I stocked in the dam so this is a PB worthy of mentioning. And I've got to say that I couldn't believe the fight this thing put up. I have put 1500 Bass, 1000 Yellas, 1000 Silvers and 400 Murray Cod in this dam in the last two years so I am just salivating at the thought of what it will be like in the next couple of years.


post-325-1250513225_thumb.jpgAfter the excitement of landing that Bass on Thursday, I went and had another crack today. Trolled round for a while and then hooked up on the 1 kilo stick and OFF it went. Steered the boat out to deeper water and fought the fish for a good 5 minutes before it surfaced. It was a lovely Silver Perch of about 5 lbs. You bewdy!

Then I'm wondering if I should give it away but the old "one last cast" theme starts going in my head, so off I go again. Another circuit of the dam and that same spinnerbait in the SAME location in the dam just goes OFF in a huge way. Now I'm trying to steer the boat out to deeper water, fight this obviously decent fish AND clear the other two lures out of the way. This thing is giving me heaps but I'm pretty confident of landing it because I'm clear of any snags. Eventually the fish surfaces and I can see it's a perch, sliver I assume. Then I get it a bit closer to the boat and realise it's a beautiful big Golden. I gently get it in the boat and motor across to where my Dad had happened to just arrive as I hooked up. He is hooping and hollering like a school kid when he sees this 58cm, 10lb yella caught that he put in the dam half a lifetime ago.

And so endeth a bloody good couple of days!



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Pete, that's bloody awesome being able to pull out big fish like that 20 years after being stocked!! Look at the size of them. Bet your dad was feeling excited to see his efforts pay dividends so many years later. You're one lucky person with your own personal fishing playground.

Now that you've found that there are big ones in the dam - you've got be be worried about the young ones you've stocked the dam with ...

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Awesome Pete!! I am sooo jealous!! If I ask Santa Claus really nicely, "May I have a dam like that in my back yard?" do you think I'll get it!!? :wacko:

Wow! What an amazing bass! I reckon he has been eating up on some of your 8" ones, too!! That yella is incredible too! ALl terrific fights on light gear! Well done!

Great to see your Dad getting as much fun out of it as you do! :)


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Fantastic bass mate! :1yikes:

You have years of bountiful fishing to look forward to ... and I am extremely envious :biggrin2: Congrats on all the fish you have caught recently mate. Keep the reports and photos coming



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Thanks lady and Gents,

Yes there is no doubt a number of the fingerlings would have become tasty treats for the big guys but that's just nature. I deliberately put in twice the number, in the hope that half would survive. I think it will pay off. Last summer I was down at the dam one beautiful still afternoon and there must have been 50 bass breaking the surface all over the dam. I jumped in the tinny and caught 10 of them in 30 minutes, just flicking lures at the submerged trees.

As well as the nice big Bass and yella, there is also a couple of these fellas in there for the little ones to contend with.


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