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My Afternoon At Avoca


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Hey Raiders,

Happy Father's Day to all you Father's out there.

It was my first Father's Day today and I decided to take a quick Drive up to Avoca this afternoon for a quick fish and just to relax a little.

I arrived just before 4pm and the tide was just starting to come in so I quickly set up and started fishing using whole yellow tail scad (Yakka) as Bait. :1fishing1:

Not long after I started fishing Ray.R was passing by and stopped and we had a brief chat...

I continued on fishing till about 5:30PM using the yellow tail for zilch :mad3:

It was now getting dark and a little bit cold so I decided to toss the Yellow Tail and try a Pilchard.

Probably 10mins after doing this I felt a decent hit and I struck then it went loose and I thought for a split second that I had lost it :mad3: and I started reeling in I thought that's enough ill pack up and go home now.

Once I started reeling it started taking line (Nothing Spectacular) but a fish :yahoo:

I brought him in and to my surprise a Tailor 45cms....

Not a action packed day but heck I got out of the house and brought a fish home and not to mention relaxing all I was missing was a cold beer..

I had a few more casts for nothing and called it a day around 6...



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Good onya Nathan, I haven't seen a Tailor for a while and it sure was a nice arvo there.

I located an owner for the phone I found, so all turned out well....


I hope that the Tailor stick around as the Mrs loves them on the table..

Its great that you found the owner of the phone he or she must be grateful!!!



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G'day Nathan,

I was the guy on your left from about 5pm, I stayed till 6:30pm, ended up being the last soul there.

there were a few bites for me round the time i saw you pull up that Tailor, but it was quite after that.

Cant work out why yesterday was so quite?!....



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G'day Nathan,

I was the guy on your left from about 5pm, I stayed till 6:30pm, ended up being the last soul there.

there were a few bites for me round the time i saw you pull up that Tailor, but it was quite after that.

Cant work out why yesterday was so quite?!....



in the 24 hours leading up you had a swell increase with a change of direction as well as a change in the wind direction .It went nor east ,with a full moon it becomes hard , Avoca has had the local boys miss a lot more than you know in the past months .Ive put in more time in the northern part of the coast with good results .CC

ps at this time of the year things start to change ,look for the dollar birds to show and the reds will be in close to do there stuff and the new season will begin .

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in the 24 hours leading up you had a swell increase with a change of direction as well as a change in the wind direction .It went nor east ,with a full moon it becomes hard , Avoca has had the local boys miss a lot more than you know in the past months .Ive put in more time in the northern part of the coast with good results .CC

ps at this time of the year things start to change ,look for the dollar birds to show and the reds will be in close to do there stuff and the new season will begin .

Hi CC,

thanks for the background info,....after reading weeks of good results from Mercer and Ray R off Avoca, then turning up and it being dead quiet, I was starting to feel i was cursed! :blush:

How do you follow these changes (swell &wind) to determine if conditions are ideal or not?

I read your post on Northern Avoca, are you casting from the beach or rocks? and what baits are the bream taking to atm?



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G'day Nathan,

I was the guy on your left from about 5pm, I stayed till 6:30pm, ended up being the last soul there.

there were a few bites for me round the time i saw you pull up that Tailor, but it was quite after that.

Cant work out why yesterday was so quite?!....



Hey Minh,

I think we all need to go out and get fish raider shirts as I have fished with fellow raiders without knowing it on several occasions.....

I would have stuck around longer but it was getting a little cold and I got my fish so i was happy.

Ill have to say G'day next time.



G'day Nathan,

Well done on the Tailor mate.

Rays correct in saying that there haven't been many Tailor around Avoca in over a month now.

Good to eat and good for bait.

Hope to see you there sometime.



Thanks Pete. Actually I was starting to think that I was doing something wrong but by what I hear Avoca has slowed up a little but things can only get better...

I would like to do a rock session with yourself and Ray one of these days as you guys have got me back into the fish again and I have learn't so much about fishing in such a short time and I thank you guys for that!!!

By the way we ate the tailor tonight and it was a big hit on the table. so much so that the Mr's is pushing me to go fishing again :1fishing1: and of course you dont have to twist my arm... so I might see you guys real soon.



in the 24 hours leading up you had a swell increase with a change of direction as well as a change in the wind direction .It went nor east ,with a full moon it becomes hard , Avoca has had the local boys miss a lot more than you know in the past months .Ive put in more time in the northern part of the coast with good results .CC

ps at this time of the year things start to change ,look for the dollar birds to show and the reds will be in close to do there stuff and the new season will begin .

Thanks for the info...

Be sure to post when you find the reds and what is your bait of choice for these guys and I guess is there a different way to catch them of would the stones be a better plan of attack?



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Hi CC,

thanks for the background info,....after reading weeks of good results from Mercer and Ray R off Avoca, then turning up and it being dead quiet, I was starting to feel i was cursed! :blush:

How do you follow these changes (swell &wind) to determine if conditions are ideal or not?

I read your post on Northern Avoca, are you casting from the beach or rocks? and what baits are the bream taking to atm?



MDHZ one of the ways to tell if there is a change coming is to watch the moon ,you will see a few sings ,the easiest one to pick is a ring around it ,if you see this you will have a change in wind ,southerly coming with in 24 hours ,the fish will feed on the last complete making tide before it hits and then they will take cover . the bigger longer the southerly change the better they will feed ,

nathan I like to fish for reds with whats in the guts ,the first legal fish i get I have look .I start with cuttle fish then squid at this time of the year ,you may find crabs ,octy ,fish ,the deeper the water to the rocks the better ,If you are getting fish like red rock cod and fishing land based you are on hard ground ,you want to fish a meter or two away from the reef or rock .find sand ,

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well done mate jeez u must clock up some km's travelling for fish haha least u are rewarded with some decent catches!! :thumbup: hopefully squid with u again soon

Yeah The poor corolla cops it.. I do around 600klms a week thank god its only a 1.4 but one things for sure she never lets me down...

Ill try and get down to yowie soon ill send you a message when i do.



MDHZ one of the ways to tell if there is a change coming is to watch the moon ,you will see a few sings ,the easiest one to pick is a ring around it ,if you see this you will have a change in wind ,southerly coming with in 24 hours ,the fish will feed on the last complete making tide before it hits and then they will take cover . the bigger longer the southerly change the better they will feed ,

nathan I like to fish for reds with whats in the guts ,the first legal fish i get I have look .I start with cuttle fish then squid at this time of the year ,you may find crabs ,octy ,fish ,the deeper the water to the rocks the better ,If you are getting fish like red rock cod and fishing land based you are on hard ground ,you want to fish a meter or two away from the reef or rock .find sand ,

Thanks for your advise might have to put it to use one of these days.

As I try to fish with the Barometer reading of no less than 1010 and not too windy but I do not understand all the other stuff but im learning more and more by reading all of the posts.



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Well done on the catch.

It has been firing up there at Avoca, was there two weeks ago, and might head back. Seems like one of the rare places producing at the moment.


Honestly there's probably better beaches around than avoca but I enjoy driving up there even if I do come home empty handed it was still worth it.

I was going for squid this week in the Harbour and there was quite a few large pike cruising around and I caught 1/2 a dozen Squid & Cuttlefish in the space of 2 hours perhaps I might keep this spot in mind for fishing for larger species at some point!

Hope to see you on the sand one day.



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