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Squid Jig


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I made up a squid jig some time ago. Considering squid like prawns , it uses a fresh king prawn rather than the artificial squid jigs.

A fish bait , like a Yakka could also be used

Have yet to try it out , would be interested if others have tried this method & the results and / or your thoughts on the concept




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I made up a squid jig some time ago. Considering squid like prawns , it uses a fresh king prawn rather than the artificial squid jigs.

A fish bait , like a Yakka could also be used

Have yet to try it out , would be interested if others have tried this method & the results and / or your thoughts on the concept




Hi Geoff I think the fresh king prawn would be very attractive on your metal squid spike, but would be a little too attractive if there are fish in the vicinty of where you are fishing for squid.....I would be inclined to have a hook in the king prawn in case a fish has a go at it ...I would tie a short shank heavy duty 2/0 hook onto a short piece of leader and tie the leader off the ring in the squid spike next too the main leader/line or better still extend the main leader tag end and tie on the hook to the tag end of the leader to save tying a second knot on the ring of the metal jig .....Having a hook in a bait wouldn't be a problem for squid and the metal jig would take the place of a fixed sinker......


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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I agree with Jewgaffer with the fish being a problem and stealing your prawn, but if you want to try to replicate a squid jig i would rig it the other way around so it swims head first. You may need a small amount of lead/weight (wire or sheet or split shot) at the front so it presents/sinks flat and doesn't sink tail first. sink rate may also be a problem if its shallow.

It's all worth a shot but.

Good luck

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Tks guys for your comments. Had not considered a fish taking a fancy to the prawn so will include hook.

Also , C.S. A good point about turning the prawn so it is on tail first

Penguin May not be out for a squid session for a while but will report on the results. In the meantime , if you want to give it a try the squid barbs are available from most tackle stores , normally come in a pkt of two.

A bit more background. The idea came after a fishing session down the South Coast. We were bottom bashing & in addition decided to put out 2 livies , down about 2 - 3 mts to see what may be around higher in the water colum.

The squid came from the bottom for a free feed & the livies were alive no more.

When we retrieved the squid just let go so 2 livies gone & no squid

I also made up a livie trace , (pic attached) . The livies were attached (hooked) near the back of the head.

Coinsidently this was the area they attacked.

Have also yet to try out this rig. In theory if the squid attaches to the neck then they should get caught on the spikes



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I also made up a livie trace , (pic attached) . The livies were attached (hooked) near the back of the head.

Coinsidently this was the area they attacked.

Have also yet to try out this rig. In theory if the squid attaches to the neck then they should get caught on the spikes



Sounds like a good idea, however i can see a possibility for failure in this rig.

If you attached the hook to say a few centimeters behind a livey's head, that would mean the squid barb attachment is also lying alongside the fish, and the spikes could jag the livey, penetrating into its body and kill it. A squid might still attack a wounded or dead yakka and could possibly get hooked up on your rig but i think the livey will not have much chance of staying alive if hooked onto this rig.

If the livey doesn't have much chance of staying a livey as opposed to a deadie, it might be better to just use a dead bait on the conventional squid spike.

However, i would still encourage you to try it and see how it performs in practice. Might work out ok, you never know :P

Edited by monch
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