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Brisbane Waters Friday - Great Variety Of Fish


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Gday guys,

This is my first fishing report since joining Fishraider. Defo looks like there is a lot of good advice to be found reading the reports going around. Good to be onboard.

Had a great day on Friday fishing Brisbane Waters from the boat. Nine species were taken in total with keeper flatties, bream, whiting, squid and blue swimmers. Made for an excellent fishermans basket lunch on Saturday. We even caught a puffer fish on a soft plastic. Gave the boys a laugh for sure. It is certainly true that you can catch anything on soft plastics. I would upload a photo but keep getting errors......

Had one monster hooked up that took a ganged pillie in the channel. Took serious amounts of line off my reel on its first run. Got a few metres back but they the braid snapped and I was left to rue my eagerness to get the fish to the boat. Certainly didnt show the patience required for a fish that was probably far bigger than the rating of the gear I was using.

I will certainly post some pics when I can get the site to upload them.



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