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Fur, Feathers And Flatties

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I had a little time to kill after work this afternoon (I get an extra hour on the water without too much competition thanks to working on NSW time while living in QLD!!). :1prop:

I grew up in Tassie so the 'long wand' was where I started serious fishing and for some reason I was feeling it call today... so I dusted of my 7wt, rigged it up with a new intermediate line, tied on a chartreuse & white clouser, and headed out on the 8 minute trek to Jacob's Well. :flying:

There was a tradgedy at the boat ramp when I arrived. Some poor guy had parked his vehicle below the high water mark and this was the sorry result.


Unfortunately, I had to try to work the kinks out of my long ignored casting arm into the teeth of a 25 knot wind. It's not the difficulty fishing that worries me in conditions like that... it's not wanting to look like a hopeless idiot in front of the people who inevitably think you're a poncy git for using a fly rod anyway.

I needn't have worried... I walked out in front of a guy with a spinning rod who wasn't having any luck and third cast I pinned a 30cm flattie.

"gotta look cool" I thought as I landed the fish to the frustration of the spin dude. "Oh yeah! The wind's making it a little less easy!" (Yeah right! I was struggling to stand up, let alone cast)

I used the fish as an excuse to give up and head for a less windy possie...

A 5 minute drive got me to 'Secret Creek' (I don't know its real name and I'll tell anyone who asks where it is... it just sounds cool when I tell the fishing story to people).

The rising tide was pushing a strong current through the causeway so rather than fish the deeper downstream side with some bait fishos, I flicked a cast at my feet into the moving water... nothing.


A second cast across the current maybe 3 or 4 metres... let the fly sink... twitch, twitch, SMACK! Another flattie. A little bigger at around 35cm but it could have been 90cm for how smug I felt pulling it second cast in front of the fishless bait fishos. (It's evil to take pleasure in something like that I know... karma will get me eventually, probably when Jewhunter's on my boat)


I quickly gave Hodgey a call just to gloat a bit more as he was stuck inside in because of rain and couldn't get out for a fish.

Next cast was a little down current and about 10m for the same result... let it sink... twitch, twitch, SMACK! I called Hodgey again while the fish was still in the water (sorry mate, couldn't help myself). This time a slightly bigger Flattie hit the shore. I had to duck back to the car to put it on the lie detector and it went 39cm... no fish dinner for :wife:


Just to make me pay for the pulling it out of its lie it gave me a little flick to remind me about gill spines. A quick photo and back into the water.


Of course, my inflated ego had to get punctured eventually. After that fish, the bait fishos stood nearby watching for a while before they headed off. And while I didn't duff any casts at least, I also couldn't repeat the performance with the fish.

Oh well, it was a fun session and it felt fantastic to load up the fly rod again after so long. It really is a satisfying way to catch fish. :biggrin2:

Cheers, Slinky

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Well done, Tony!! Terrific result under such trying casting conditions! It is difficult enough to fly cast in normal conditions, let alone almost gale force winds!!

OMG!! Is there a car/ute underneath that push bike??

haha Gotta feel for those hapless fishos tho - must get those clousers out that you gave me! :D Give them a run! My fly buddy at Scone (came out to Glenbawn to yak with me & we both got blown off the water!) reckons that little Penn 7ft 6" 5wt is too nice to use on the salt water, so he has loaned me a Gillies 9ft 5wt to try on the salt instead - he will be visiting next month, to put me thru my paces!

I will be finding a secluded little bay somewhere that is not only enclosed on 3 sides, but will have to have a hidden entrance to it, so that no-one will witness my pathetic attempts!!! Any fish that may try to take the fly would have to be very hungry .... or stupid!!

Keep "Secret Creek" up your sleeve for your next 'fly fix"!



Love the pic with the flattie & reel/rod!

Edited by Roberta
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Hehehehe ... you certainly livened up an otherwise boring afternoon mate. Each time the phone rang, the kids would call in unison ..."Slinky's caught another fish!" :074: As I type it is still pouring rain. After 8 days of this, I am well and truly over it! :1badmood: Great work with the wand, Tony, especially in those windy conditions. I look forward to another thrilling instalment of 'Slinky's Fur and Feather Adventures' later this weekend :thumbup:



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Great stuff Slinky & an awesome report as usual.

LMFAO! How a bloke can look like 'a poncy git' when he's 6'2 & 120kgs is beyond me, but you still manage to pull it off sometimes!!! :074::074::074:

I know that you're practising your fly casting in preparation for the Clarrie Hall dam bass. :biggrin2:

Thanks for the phone calls rubbing it all in while I'm working. :ranting2:



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Nice work Slink I am scared to pick up a fly rod for fear of the petrol it would pour on the fishing tackle addiction that I am already struggling to deal with! At this stage ignorance is bliss...

Impressive considering the wind and the lack of success of those around you ;-)

Nice one mate


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Nice work Slinky and a great read to boot. As a fellow fly fisher I understand the joy that you must have felt landing fish in front of those other fishos. Usually it is me tying myself in knots whilst watching others landing fish on spin gear.

Oh and I think it should be mandatory for all Raiders to call Hodgey when they land fish, knowing Hodgey he would really appreciate it.


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