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Fighting Fish On 1-4lb Braid


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Hi, just a few questions after reading a lot of roberta's reports using the 1lb fireline crystal.

The line is so light how do you even set the drag? My scales don't measure 0.3lb :P !

I guess you guys probably use 2lb leader or something similiar, with very little abrasion resistance.

So what happens when you hook a fish? Just let it peel drag off you (otherwise the line would snap right?) and work it slowly to your net?

It's got me really confused :wacko:

Cheers :thumbup:

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I just set it by hand. The 1lb crystal breaks at about 4lb anyway, so will take quite a bit of punishment before busting. just make sure you have a slightly bendy rod & don't have the drag set too hard.

Probably go bigger than 2lb leader in case you get flatties - even 4-6lb would be acceptable.

I have found that some of the fish don't even realise they are hooked, to start off with - if you are not fishing structure, sure, just let the fish take line, retirieve it as you can, let it run, bring it in - you should also have your rod held high & maintain pressure on the fish at all time. With the rod held high, you have a better chance of turning their head & fighting them head on. As you bring them to the net, the lighter drag will allow the fish to 'go' again, if it is spooked again, so you start all over again! :D

FIshing the Silly String, you don't 'skull drag' them in! It is a very sporting way of catching fish!

Have fun & good luck!!


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I'll second what Roberta said. I commonly use 6lb leader when chasing flatties on silly string. Any heavier and it gets hard to tie acceptable knots... and you lose some of the finesse advantages. I usually use 4lb in Secret Creek where I'm getting bream and only small flatties... but I haven't been doing it anywhere near as long as Roberta so she's the mistress of silly string.

The reason I've started using it... simple... it's amazing fun. Even small fish are a challenge and put up a great account on silly string. Anything bigger (my silly string PB flattie is 48cm and bream is 31cm from memory) and they're an absolute hoot.

The rod I'm using is a 7'6" Daiwa Infeet which, as Roberta suggested, has a slow action and is quite soft for a good quality graphite stick.

Dive in and have a go... it's fun. Cheers, Slinky

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Hi, just a few questions after reading a lot of roberta's reports using the 1lb fireline crystal.

The line is so light how do you even set the drag? My scales don't measure 0.3lb :P !

I guess you guys probably use 2lb leader or something similiar, with very little abrasion resistance.

So what happens when you hook a fish? Just let it peel drag off you (otherwise the line would snap right?) and work it slowly to your net?

It's got me really confused :wacko:

Cheers :thumbup:

One thing to remember is that there are different ways that lines are rated for "strength" . Fireline crystal for example is rated based on the breaking strain of the line with a palomar knot (I think that's the one they use) tied to a hook, not the linear strength like you might expect. So in actual fact, 2lb crystal is probably going to break closer to 4 or 6lb with a good leader knot. Which is like what you'd expect fishing with 6 lb mono. I'm not sure if it's the same with other brands though...

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Nope... you can catch amazing fish on light line... that's what a good reel drag is for. Have a look at Swordfisherman's Jewie on 4lb braid in his most recent post.

A guy up here on the Gold Coast caught a 50lb Cobia recently on 10lb braid... but it took him 1 1/2 hours to land it...

That's the issue. As long as you don't get spooled, or the fish cuts you off on structure... all you need is a good drag setting and lots of patience and you can land amazing fish on very light line.

Cheers, Slinky

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....So basically if you catch something big its going to bust you?....

Not necessarily! I've landed a 58cm flattie on 1lb Crystal. I've caught bream in the low 30cm's that I have 'lead away' from structure so I can fight them in the open water. The biggest bream I hooked busted me off becuase I had the drag set too high. I reckon, if the drag hadn't 'caught' I would have landed it ..... as I almost got it to the net, when he saw the yak & 'took off'! And this was in a Tuncurry Oyster Lease! :1yikes:

....what do you guys do if a fish is dragging you to structure? Just try and thumb it and hope its not as strong as it feels?....

Every situation will be different. Obviously, if you get a real blue-nose, it'll do its best to skunk you on whatever structure (even weedbed) that it can find! Definitely try thumbing it & just try to steer it away, by holding your rod tip right up to try & turn its head! It is your fishing skill (or luck) that will determine the outcome! :biggrin2:

Be Brave - just get out there & give it a go! :1prop:


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well i get the idea behind the whole fighting fish with drag thing but if the drag is so light then the bigger specimens will be able to just drag your line along.

Probably a bit too hard fishing with it LB anyway...

Is it a lot better to cast with though?

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