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A Day Of Firsts In The Georges


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G'day Raiders,

After viewing the fishraiders site for the last month I thought I had better contribute. With my son on school holidays I decided to take some time off work to try some of the locations discussed by fellow raiders, but wouldn't you know it we had bad weather for most of the week :( . Fortunately we did get out for a excellent days fishing on 10 Oct. We started at first light in a nice hole we have been trying for a couple of months. After bouncing soft plastics and blades throughout the water column during the tide change and many bumps I finally got my first jewfish - it was a small jewie but still a major acheivement after many weeks of experimenting with different locations, times and lures. :biggrin2: .


This jew was quickly followed by a decent lizard. It was hooked in the same hole as the jewie and at 76cm is my PB for a lizard on lure. :thumbup: .


The hole then went quite, so we moved upstream with the tide to try catch our first EPs. We found a nice hole on a bend in which the sounder showed schooling fish. We immediately got our MF40s into the water. On my second cast I pulled out a healthy 31cm bream and my son quickly followed with his first EP. After releasing the EP the bite shut down for over 30min.....vvvvery much like schooling Bass. I finally caught my first (and small) EP. These little buggers can fight and are fun to catch on bream gear. :yahoo: It was a great day on the river.




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