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Finally! Good Blackies On The Break Wall!


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Hi all

Well, it is ages since I tried for blackies on the breakwall here at Forster - the tales of doom & gloom were continuing after our return from Qld ....... then those huge winds (when I did try last week) virtually blew me off the wall!! So yesterday, with the southerly blowing (always good for Forster side, as the wind is on your back & when down on the rocks, you don't really feel it anyway .....)

I went down for the last 2-3hrs of the 'out' tide & the turn of the 'in'. First cast & I am in lala land, pondering nature's beauty, when I noticed that the float had stopped! It hadn't gone down or up, just stopped, so I struck firmly & pulled the hook out of a good fish's mouth! :1badmood: They were taking cabbage, so I took the weed off the other hook & put cabbage on both. All day, they only took the lower hook, no matter what depth I was fishing! Really weird!

For the whole fishing time, I was getting regular hits - missed some downs, dropped a few, but ended up with 6 nice fish in the end ...... at least, I had 6 for a little while ...... until I held one up to show an old fella from the camp ground & it flexed & jumped out of my hands! :mad3: Down into the rocks it went (luckily lots of water there, so he was happy) and for the next 1/2hr I tried to grab him when he came within reach! The tide was coming up & eventually, he found a hole in the rocks to open water & swam away! :( He was the biggest of my haul & would have been a good 43cm! :wife:

Moral of the story ..... don't show off!! :wacko:

The 3 best ones went to 40cm - the other 2 (wouldn't fit on the bench) were mid 30's


Just as I was about to leave, a bloke named Steve came by & said 'hi' - I'd spoken to him a couple of times before & he is a keen fisho, recently moved to the area. He saw my fish (and witnessed the 'dropped fish' incident) and was keen to have a go at Blackies ...... so I gave him a float & weights, set his rod up and gave him some weed & cabbage. I guestimated the depth for him (he was further down the wall, so could go deeper) and before I had even returned to my rod, he had his first fish on his first cast!! :thumbup: As he didn't have a net, I rock hopped back to him with mine & netted it for him. It was just legal & as it was his first fish, we put it in the bucket to see how he went ....... next cast, another fish, a bit bigger this time! :1prop: Again it was into the bucket.

Steve & his first blackie


I stayed with him, talking him thru the blackie experience ........ every time he looked away, his float went down & I yelped 'Go Go!' and he struck & came up to a very nice solid fish!

Steve's 3rd fish - a healthy mid 30's (Steve has very big hands, so the fish may look smaller!)


After this one, we put the 2 smaller ones back & kept the bigger one. Steve had virtually caught 3 fish within 4 casts! Two people fishing 20m up from us couldn't believe it! Then it went a bit quiet, but Steve was really happy with how he had gone on his first ever blackie outing!

Somehow, I reckon he'll be down there again this afternoon ...... me too! Hopefully Chopper75 will come down too! :D

Nice Smoked Fish Pie coming up, I reckon!



Edited by Roberta
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Another good session on the Blackfish Roberta :thumbup: Nice of you to help out so many members, visitors and other fishers who are new to the Forster area.... It means other people with the same interests will get to know you and in return will help you out where need be.... Fishers who have an outllook like yours earn piece of mind and catch more fish...


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Great to see some Blackies from the Forster connection again. Glad the weather's been kind at last.

The wind up here is driving me nuts too. Combined today with all the boat traffic and what must have been a world Jetski convention, I think I'm going to give the Broadwater a miss on weekends from now on, save for the odd livebaiting session in the seaway.

Congrats on your first Blackies, Steve. Hope you join up as a Fishraider so we can share in your next milestones.

Cheers, Slinky

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hehe Thanks guys - wish I could say the same thing happened today!! Virtually the same conditions, but the fish were really wary! You could actually see them go out of their way to avoid the baits - eventually, I was lucky enough to catch 3 - the biggest being 42cm (which put up a great fight.) I didn't hold this one up for anyone, today! :1prop:


Steve was already there when I arrived, with no fish - and unfortunately that is how it stayed! He gave it a good shot tho - must have been there 4hrs!

It was a weird day - we saw about 4 turtles entering the lake & I figured it was because of the myriad of small pink jelly fish that have invaded the lake & rocks & beaches recently! Matter of fact ...... I actually hooked one!! In reality, it hooked me!! It was on its way out to sea again, then turned sharply towards the rocks and ran into my gear! One hook held & he took off, trying to work out what was hindering him! At least he came to the surface, so Steve could see him too!! It only took a few seconds & the 6lb leader busted, freeing him.

We also saw about 4 schools of kingies go up into the lake - there were 3 or 4 in each school & I wished I had a casting lure to toss out to them! They have been getting kingies off some of the southern rocks towards Latitude Rock.

Then just before we left, we saw tiny bait skipping across the top of the water with something in hot pursuit!

All very exciting.

Chopper75 popped by with Janet & James - he's been busy at training seminars for his job in the Bank, so hasn't been fishing for ages. Hope to get out with him when he does.



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