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First Post In 6 Months, I Think!


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Greg hit the water at the lovely time of 2am, caught 2 squid,,,, very quiet, think he needs to venture wider and hit other spots. Caught the ritual dozen yakkas as a back up and took off towards the heads. As he was going past Contarf(cuse spelling) he noticed massive bait balls in close on the beach. Out comes the yakka combo, sabiki jig, and up comes a few pilchards, bagged a few more then set off towards the heads.

Rounding Grotto he came to the conclusion whats the point hitting the heads and reefs offshore with all the bait in the harbour. Quick U-turn and back into MH! Found his usual spot vacant of other fishos and boats.

For the next few hours he caught 4-5 rats on the pilchards he caught that morning, and one monstrous smoking LOL. Should never fish for kings with 3 rods out! HAHHHHAAHAH, and just 2 hands.

Interesting point of note all these fish fell to the pillies, not a yakka touched, and squid ripped apart by small pesky things unworthy of mention.

Tmr he is trying it all again, and same 4 thursday.


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Hey just thought i would ask...is this a stupid question or are they really pilchards? Maybe slimies or something?? Have caught yakkas,slimies,garfish,whitebait in the harbour before..but never pilchards? Good luck on the midweekers......

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Hey just thought i would ask...is this a stupid question or are they really pilchards? Maybe slimies or something?? Have caught yakkas,slimies,garfish,whitebait in the harbour before..but never pilchards? Good luck on the midweekers......

Yeah mate, they were pillies, I promise you! I will ask greg to take a photo but we do pick up all sorts of bait in the harbour and some unoccasionallys such as herring, and pillies. THis is the time of the year when pillies are common. I think they were frog mouth pillies according to what a mate told me we get in the harbour, but dont quote me on that.


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The harbour must be thick with bait..

where i was flicking for flatties around balmain there were massive schools of little baitfish and hundreds of gars herding them around.. all i need now is to learn how to catch them..

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Hi Dan,

Mate i think i saw you yesterday as i motored past in a white tinnie about 9am. I waved at ya, were you in a silver tinnie? I knew what you were going for at that spot.

I have been catching what i think is herring on jigs. Top bait. Last time i put one in live he didnt even get time to swim as soon as he hit the water a kingie ducked out from under the boat and smashed him. I think their herring as when you get them out of the water the start throwing scales everywhere. There not easy to keep alive tho. Also use as butterflied etc when dead.

Heaps of bait fish in MH. I got a spot that rarely lets you down and the bait balls at times have been absolutely gigantic.

Where are the jewies???????????


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Hi Dan,

Mate i think i saw you yesterday as i motored past in a white tinnie about 9am. I waved at ya, were you in a silver tinnie? I knew what you were going for at that spot.

I have been catching what i think is herring on jigs. Top bait. Last time i put one in live he didnt even get time to swim as soon as he hit the water a kingie ducked out from under the boat and smashed him. I think their herring as when you get them out of the water the start throwing scales everywhere. There not easy to keep alive tho. Also use as butterflied etc when dead.

Heaps of bait fish in MH. I got a spot that rarely lets you down and the bait balls at times have been absolutely gigantic.

Where are the jewies???????????


That would have been the better part of D & G you saw mate, Greg!


PS Hate it when his 4 days off fall mid-week

I believe Dan, caught a few in MH myself the other week. Pillies are quite common in th eharbour, they are an absolute cracker of a live bait, but pretty soft and hard to keep alive, pretty damn good stipped up as well.


Yeah they are awesome bait for everything aye Dave! Got your msg mate. Greg hit it again today!!! All rats and 3 squid, dropped another 2-3, and heaps of live bait, ie yakkas, slimies, herring and pillies.


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