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Shoalhaven River 10 & 11/10/09

Tiger Cam

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My son and I had a late quick afternoon session as the weather just seemed to get better as the day wore on. That combined with a local change of tide at 330pm filled us with anticipation. I tried a spot I had little luck at previously but always looked the goods. It performed with three flatties varying in size from 40 – 52cm. We then moved onto a nearby sand flat which produced two more flatty keepers and the obligatory couple that self released boat side including one that Nicholas had enticed on a bottom bashing softy. The look on his face as the lizard made his escape was priceless! :blush: Lesson learnt – always keep contact with the fish! Gulp 5” Jerk Shads in Lime Tiger and Blue Pepper Neon on 1/0 to 5/0 hook size and 1/8 to ¼ jig heads on 8lb leader. Beer battered flatties and chips for tea. :beersmile:



I took off solo early with :wife: and son teaming up later at a more respectable hour.



Again I tried a couple of locations I hadn’t been too successful therefore created a challenge. I drifted for what must have been a few hundred metres tossing newly a purchased Powerbait MF40’s in Midnight Tiger onto anything that looked promising – sand flats, fallen trees even marker buoys. On about my 127th cast I felt the line tighten …. Ahhh a flatty takes a liking.

My 128th cast to about 252nd were of a Gulp 2” swimming mullet in watermelon which yielded 3 more flatty’s. All this time I would admire the natural beauty that is my backdrop. I aslo notice a new pontoon at Greewell Point....they're popping up everywhere!


By this stage I get the call to head back to pick up Nicholas and wife . On my way to our rendezvous I notice tailor busting up and suggest we go pay them a visit. It was quite a large school and we were at them with metal slugs and softies (particularly my less favoured) for close on an hour pulling in fish after fish…. It was carnage :gun_bandana: . I particularly enjoyed watching my ten year old sharpen his skills with casting and retrieving …aahhh a chip off the old block :biggrin2: . My :wife: had her fare share as well while I was delegated to releasing them. We kept six and lost count of the rest …. We had a ball. :thumbup:


post-8021-1256037209_thumb.jpg Fish cleaning facilities and local oppotunists!

post-8021-1256037232_thumb.jpg That night we feasted on Tailor Mornay! :beersmile:



Edited by Tiger Cam
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