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A Great Afternoon At Narrabeen


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Hey Raiders,

Decided on a quick afternoon fishing fix so I headed down to the lakes..

Got there approximately 2.30 in the afternoon armed with servo prawns and light tackle and thought Id give it a go.

2nd cast get a Flounder just on 30cm's wanted to release it but I know these guys don't grow real large and are a great table fish so I decided that hes coming home with me....

Once that was all sorted I started fishing again and about 10 mins later I feel a good tug and a lot of headshaking and of course A flatty not a real big one just over 40 but a first for me as I have never caught Flathead before so I was happy regardless... And decided to keep it as I have never eaten them also...

After that it went quiet just caught pickers for an hour and that was that decided that's enough for me..

Approx 2 hours and 2 keepers I thought that was not a bad effort considering that I decided to go fishing last minute...

All the Best!!!!




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I usually catch baby breams, snappers and silver travellies...

hopefully, I can catch table size fish like you nathan at narrabeen!

well done!



Yeah mate Im the same.. but as the summer kicks in the bigger bream should show up.

I was mostly pleased considering that the prawns i bought looked like they were 3 months old.

And everyone Ive seen catch flattys usually get them with pilchards or plastics...

Ill be back for more that's a promise.



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:thumbup: well done nathan.nice feed there with the flatty & the flounder.yum.iv never fished the narra area before.heard of some great catches out that way.gotta somehow get out there & giv the lakes a bit of a bashing.lol :074: [yeh right].i went out landbased yesterday.pretty quiet compared to last weeks pb tailor & trevally.[tailor 61cm & trev 49.5cms].oh well,we cant have it our way all the time can we.gotta give the missus a excuse to get out fishing again.lol.

:beersmile: cheers johnny. :thumbup:

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Thats not a bad result for a couple of hours. I used to fish the lake a lot, down by the cricket nets, but since i got the boat on Pittwater, not so much. (caught more on the lake tho).

Next time you plan to go there, pm me , i'll join you. Its just down the road for me.


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Thats not a bad result for a couple of hours. I used to fish the lake a lot, down by the cricket nets, but since i got the boat on Pittwater, not so much. (caught more on the lake tho).

Next time you plan to go there, pm me , i'll join you. Its just down the road for me.


I've Watched the guys on the tinnies flicking plastics and have seen some monsters pulled out!!!

Next time around ill try some pillies as by what I have heard the flatties seem to like them more than prawns.

I was fishing near the cricket nets also... and ill be sure to PM you!



:thumbup: well done nathan.nice feed there with the flatty & the flounder.yum.iv never fished the narra area before.heard of some great catches out that way.gotta somehow get out there & giv the lakes a bit of a bashing.lol :074: [yeh right].i went out landbased yesterday.pretty quiet compared to last weeks pb tailor & trevally.[tailor 61cm & trev 49.5cms].oh well,we cant have it our way all the time can we.gotta give the missus a excuse to get out fishing again.lol.

:beersmile: cheers johnny. :thumbup:

Yeah the Good old excuses for the Mr's lucky for me mine has gone overseas for a couple of months so every spare moment I get is playtime hahaha the only problem is I seem to be going through allot of Fuel lately hahahaha

Id love to get into some tailor as the Flatty was nice to eat but I still prefer eating tailor....



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Well done Nathan. Do yourself a favour and go down there again with a couple of packs of plastics instead of bait.

You will be converted in no time.

Good luck


Thanks for the advice. any type of plastic in particular???

I'm a old school bait fisher but have heard that GULP are the way to go.

any particular style/color worth trying?



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nice haul!! I've only ever caught little tiddlers in the lake, and they go for rubbish bait always take some servo prawns down and I get hammered but only small stuff baby bream etc. Have been fishing near the cricket nets and just get nibbled by toadfish. Great spot for relaxing on a sunday arvo though!!

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nice haul!! I've only ever caught little tiddlers in the lake, and they go for rubbish bait always take some servo prawns down and I get hammered but only small stuff baby bream etc. Have been fishing near the cricket nets and just get nibbled by toadfish. Great spot for relaxing on a sunday arvo though!!

Thanks... I must say I go there to relax also Even my Father was impressed who can be a hard man to please at the best of times he now has decided to bring his rod on our next visit...

Unfortunately sometimes you have to catch all the pickers to find the decent ones I guess that's why there are alot of fisho's there using plastics!!! might see you down there one time.



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Even my Father was impressed who can be a hard man to please at the best of times he now has decided to bring his rod on our next visit...

sounds familiar :P he is bringing his gear down so he can catch a bigger fish than you!! Dads never want to be bettered by their sons :D

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