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Slow Start But A Good Finish


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Hit the Georges this morning at 6:30am to fish the last of the run out. Arrived and was greeted by warm air, not so cold water, no wind, nice cloud cover and....no sounder battery!!!! Headed of and fished blind, trolling a variety of lures in water from 3-10'. Picked up one flatty early and there was surface action all around but things went quiet for an hour either side of the low. Tried unweighted gulps and other bits and pieces but no interest. Just as I gave myself an hour to go at 9:30am. Things started to pick up along with the incoming tide. Must have used over 10 different lures but the last half hour saw me complete a feed of five flatties from 42-55cm. The fish were caught on a variety of HBs (biggest coming in on the smallest lure! Got in before the deluge! Beer battered flathead fillets on the menu this week :beersmile:




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Well done Rob, you've got yourself a nice feed of flatties there :thumbup: . Geez you're game mate laying that fish across your legs like that - could get painful!!!

I was a beautiful morning to be out, wasn't it?



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Nice feed there, Rob - do you cast & retrieve or just troll?? I hate trolling - I forget that I have a lure out & wrap it around a snag or a boat or anything else that floats (lots of weed up here) so forever pulling it back in to check it! :1badmood:

I got caught out in the deluge yesterday & got a thorough soaking!! :wacko: It was difficult plowing thru an on-coming wind & against the tide in a howling thunderstorm with HUGE rain, THUNDEROUS Thunder & lightening bolts that split the sky!! :(



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I troll with HBs most of the time and spend my time scanning the sounder for the exact drop-off spots that I think fish will lie in. To me its a challenge to find the ambush zones. I also line up land marks to establish good troll lines and find more succesful trols are with or across the tidal flow rather than against it. However, quite often I will stop to retieve both lines, de-weed lures and recast. Many times when I have put the pedals down I get hit. Being in a Hobie I also often completely stall and then accelarate in a different direction to impart extra life into the lures. Occasionally when I quickly retrieve alure to check it, it will be hit very aggressively. Bottom line for me is finding the ambush points at a time of the tide when the flatties are looking for baitfish to pass over them. I also note down which spots fish better on a rising or falling tide. Somtimes I will troll two lines and flick a plastic to the front or side to cover all bases. I must admit I prefer using HBs or bait to SPs ad I'm sure many people will think I'm completely mad!

Edited by jenno64
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Some nice flatties there Rob.

Well done :thumbup:

I agree with you about trolling out of kayaks.

At the moment most of the fishing I do out of my Hobie is trolling.

It's great how much action you can put into the lure by just changing

the pedal speed and changing direction quickly and you can get right in close to the structure.

I absolutly love fishing out of the kayak at the moment and hopefully the weather

is good this weekend so I can get out there again and try a couple of new HBs.

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Some well-conditioned fish for a feed for the family, Rob :thumbup:

Yet more success with the SX 40's. Ironically, that one in the photo is one that I have had good success with when chasing the bream. That's a great explanation of your trolling technique, mate. Good on ya for sharin'



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