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Two Trips In One Week


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Hi Raiders,

Returned to the pittwater this week with the :wife: . Wednesday 4th, found tailor smashing white bait and our 20g metals. (even though the white bait were only about 3g, thats the best thing about tailor) Continued north to find teeny weeny snapper, and more tailor. then the kings surfaced right next to the boat, but clearly just to say G'day cos they didn't want to eat anything. By the end of the trip boated 4 teeny snapper, hooked around 20 tailor each, boated around 10 each, kept 6 37-45cm. post-8406-1257585038_thumb.jpg

Round Two.

Started the same, school of tailor smashing white bait. Took 6 again. then headed in to 2.5m water over weed beds. set the anchor, burley and droped biats. flicked lures for a bit but just like the numerous tounament boats around us had no luck. I've been itching to get a hook into some healthy garfish since last May, so made a rig and started floating some bread out ni the burley trail. 10mins later a school of about 100 or so started appearing. I got a few and then :wife: made a rig and started trying. They were VERY skitty and wouldn't swallow a biat, just mouth and spit, so after an hour only had 5 on borad. Was over the moon with that though. They are my favarite target and some of the sweetest meat out there. The bigest one was 100g cleaned. Doesn't sound like much but if you know garfish you'll know. (That one was 32cm long and over 2 cm across the guts) post-8406-1257587077_thumb.jpg

What a week. so glad that summer is back!


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awsome week for u love the report i also have come across schools of garfish i try to use a unweighted yakka rig with tiny bits of prawn usually land enough but are very hard to catch at times did u try put one out for live bait i know when i did the kings couldnt resist them


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Yeah they're good alright. We were only in 2.5m of water so i didn't bother putting a live garie out. Just wanted to get a feed for ourselve this time. Next time though.... I'll try going deeper and deeper and seeing if they follow me. Then i'll drop one live. Or just motor over to some moored boats or a hole on the western side. Either way this is the year that i'm going to catch my first Kingy.


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Nice catch mate. Bad luck with the kings though, quite devastating to see fish swim by and ignore your baits.

I haven't had much success with garfish but did find a method to entice them one time when they wouldn't take any unweighted baits, tiny pieces of bread, squid and pillies. I started to slowly retrieve the bait when they came to have a look and they would chase it down and have a swipe. Ended up with 5 garies about 1 cast for each and then i ran outta bait :(

One question though, how would u guys rig a live garfish? Single hook? Two hook snell? They are so skinny, not much room to pin the hooks without hitting some vital organs or bones which paralyses them.

where would u pin the hooks?

Edited by monch
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Nice catch mate.

One question though, how would u guys rig a live garfish? Single hook? Two hook snell? They are so skinny, not much room to pin the hooks without hitting some vital organs or bones which paralyses them.

where would u pin the hooks?

Hi Monch,

I was recently told by one who would know, not to worry about a fancy two hook rig. just pin a relativly small hook trough the bottom jaw. As an experiment he said to try the 1/0 cutlass jigging hook. Another way I've been thinking about is the cable tie through the eyes and the hook through that, this is a secure way of holding the hook at the head without hitting any major organs.

If I was going to use a second hook it would be a relativly small treble pined just infront of the dorsal fin or cable tied just behind. I'll let you know when i actually do it.


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just rig it up like u do a yellow tail just behind it head. just dont go to deep other wise it will die! if u can get a school around u keep them as long as possible with a burly trail and throw a couple out live even if u are in shallow water ive caught kings in 3-5m water,

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