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Epirb Requirements?


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An EPIRB 460Mhz is required when operating more than 2 nautical miles from shore.



Thanks mate, It's only that I heard of another fisho being fined $250 for not having one. I was unaware of this requirement, is it new or has it been around for while?

I try to get offshore to avoid the trawler infestation in Pittwater.

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I believe it's been around for a few years now but it's only recently that the old EPIRBS have been replaced with the newer 460.

It is a legal requirement to have on board & maritime will fine you if you don't. Quite a few people have been caught out.

Give Craig from Huetts Marine ( site sponsor) a call & he'll do you a top price on a new one.



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I believe it's been around for a few years now but it's only recently that the old EPIRBS have been replaced with the newer 460.

It is a legal requirement to have on board & maritime will fine you if you don't. Quite a few people have been caught out.

Give Craig from Huetts Marine ( site sponsor) a call & he'll do you a top price on a new one.



Thanks heaps,

hope the Fishing Gods are good to you.

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If you check out the attached it gives a breakdown of saftey gear requirements.


My understanding is Sydney heads are classed as "open" waters but you are still within the 2 NM area and therefore no EPIRB is required.

Correct. It is open water but you are still within 2nm of land so dont need one.

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Hello Raiders,

This paragraph is from the BOATING HANDBOOK. To quote" An EPIRB or Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon is a simple and effective alerting and locating device that is COMPULSORY for all VESSELS 8 METRES OR MORE in length operating more than 2 nautical miles from the shore. However, it is RECOMMENDED that all vessels venturing offshore that all vessels venturing offshore carry an EPIRB"

Page 25.

Which way you interprete it will depend on you. We always have it with us whenever we go out even pass the heads.

How much do you/& your friend(s) worth??.


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Hello Raiders,

This paragraph is from the BOATING HANDBOOK. To quote" An EPIRB or Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon is a simple and effective alerting and locating device that is COMPULSORY for all VESSELS 8 METRES OR MORE in length operating more than 2 nautical miles from the shore. However, it is RECOMMENDED that all vessels venturing offshore that all vessels venturing offshore carry an EPIRB"

Page 25.

Which way you interprete it will depend on you. We always have it with us whenever we go out even pass the heads.

How much do you/& your friend(s) worth??.


This rule is no longer effective !!!

Any boat operating more than 2 nautical miles from the shore has to have an EPIR irrespective their lenghth.



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I am guessing that the 2NM rule is a belief from the authorities that people could swim back to sure from this distance?

If this is the case I am glad I have an EPIRB even when I am 50 metres from shore as I would struggle to swim that to stay alive. :1prop:

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"Commonwealth and State Legislations compel many vessels to carry EPIRBS. However, the importance of carrying a suitable EPIRB aboard every vessel proceeding more than a few miles offshore, or making a coastal or overseas voyage cnnot be too highly recommended."

This was taken from the Marine Radio Operators Handbook.

Mrs Flightmanager

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Hello Raiders,

This paragraph is from the BOATING HANDBOOK. To quote" An EPIRB or Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon is a simple and effective alerting and locating device that is COMPULSORY for all VESSELS 8 METRES OR MORE in length operating more than 2 nautical miles from the shore. However, it is RECOMMENDED that all vessels venturing offshore that all vessels venturing offshore carry an EPIRB"

Page 25.

Which way you interprete it will depend on you. We always have it with us whenever we go out even pass the heads.

How much do you/& your friend(s) worth??.


I think you have an old handbook there Henry. The new law on pg 27 is ALL vessels operating 2 n/miles from shore.

However I reckon you're on the right track by having one with you WHENEVER you head offshore.

Well worth the investment.



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Bottem line....if you go offshore, GET AN EPIRB!!!

Sorry to be ubrupt but if you afford a boat you can afford this one extra bit of kit. It could save your life and the lives of others with you. Irespective of "Maritime rules".

Mine comes out with me in anywhere.


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