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Finally Cracked The 1m+ King


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HI Raiders,

What day of fishing, went out Saturday to jig forkings, There was kings everywhere for the marjority of the day we were landing rat kings and average 70cm plus models with plenty of throw back to boot.

I can say it was a day i will never forget, all up we landed over 40+ fish for the day, the conditions was great not much swell or wind which made life easy. We were dropping a majority of 200g - 300g, by lunch time i was sore and tired so i gave the heavy outfit consisting of a t-curve 200 and a Saltiga 6500 the retirement and opted for a lighter option of 30lb outfit with a 4500j fream to have some fun as the fish we we're getting were all around thr 65-75mark, as soon I changed to the lighter gear, i hooked up solid to a 83cm fish which smashed my previous PB of 73cm, stoked as hell already!!! But this record didn't last, on the next drop two turns of the handle i am on solid again, this time it was right on the bottom over some nasty ground and line was peeling off fast, i had the drag crank right up and with 9kg of drag this thing was not stopping, I was in a position where i was going to be reefed, I made the decision to go for gold and hope for the best but with 30lb i wasn't very confident, the next few seconds went like this: line is still peeling off at a rate of knotes so i palmed the spool and ping the hook pull :mad3: , this was a much better fish, At this stage everyone was jeered up so more jigs gets dropped, feeling a little disappointed as i know i have lost my chance with a good fish. I ropped my jig again, the jig hits the bottom i get it up 10 or so meter and get hit again, this thing was a machine! line immediatley was peeling off the little 4500 heading in one direction towards the reef, this time i wasn't going to lose him pump and wind pump and wind i gave it all i had, the rod butt was digging in to my stomach but this was the least of my worries as i still had plenty of to work to do, the next feel minute was heart in mouth stuff, i finally turned him and had him comming up, i gained some and he took some but i had him away already and had a sniff at the prize. The fish faught all the way up after i had him half way up the thoughts of is my knots going to hold, is the leader damaged or will a bloody jacket bite me off ran through my head. But all this faded when we had colour and with a good net shot I had my first Hoodie king on the deck. I checked my leader and there was damage shown but eveything held together and the fish god smiled upon me.

Need less to say we stayed around and jigged more but the action dead of again and another mate scored a 83cm model and plenty more of of 70cm plus and undersized fish. All day the action was pretty consistent with fish coming over the side on every drift.

towards the end the wind picked up and made our life very hard as we counldn't get our jigs down to he bottom so a call for the day was made, all up I am sore all over but that is all part of the fun.

The stats:

Size 105cm

Weight 9.80kg

Hope you enjoyed the read.




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Thanks all for the replies, I am still sore two days after but as Nathan pointed it out it was well worth it. I never expect to crack the 1m that day and didn’t really expect much but as fishing is you never know, the fishing god must have been in a good mood, I just need to have a jig as my mate is WA is going next week to jig for sambos I didn’t want him to start send photos to me making me jealous.

We were fishing out off shore in Sydney, as always the bigger fish always finds the lightest outfit to target, the little 4500 was buzzing and surprisingly held its own under locked drags. Was very happy with the fact that I did lose a big fish prior to this and to have a second chance at it was a great blessing, and to have landed the fish on 30lb in nasty reef was a great feeling. Can’t wait to go out and do it again, now just counting down the days till I make my way over to Perth to jig for the sambos January 8th can’t come sooner!!!!



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Great fishing.

Went out today with a friend off broken bay. Jigged and live baits. Livies were not popular but got the better fish to 88 cm. A few rats on jigs but was hard going.

Saw somthing very large make some disturbances on the surface. Could not identify it, though soon after we marked a massive return on the sounder at 60 meters. Smelt beaky to me. Water was warm 22c and dirty green though. Returning in we found a school of striped tuna on the surface, here the water was clean and still warm. Wind was picking up and with a large rolling swell we kept on going and left them to do their thing.

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HI Raiders,

What day of fishing, went out Saturday to jig forkings, There was kings everywhere for the marjority of the day we were landing rat kings and average 70cm plus models with plenty of throw back to boot.

I can say it was a day i will never forget, all up we landed over 40+ fish for the day, the conditions was great not much swell or wind which made life easy. We were dropping a majority of 200g - 300g, by lunch time i was sore and tired so i gave the heavy outfit consisting of a t-curve 200 and a Saltiga 6500 the retirement and opted for a lighter option of 30lb outfit with a 4500j fream to have some fun as the fish we we're getting were all around thr 65-75mark, as soon I changed to the lighter gear, i hooked up solid to a 83cm fish which smashed my previous PB of 73cm, stoked as hell already!!! But this record didn't last, on the next drop two turns of the handle i am on solid again, this time it was right on the bottom over some nasty ground and line was peeling off fast, i had the drag crank right up and with 9kg of drag this thing was not stopping, I was in a position where i was going to be reefed, I made the decision to go for gold and hope for the best but with 30lb i wasn't very confident, the next few seconds went like this: line is still peeling off at a rate of knotes so i palmed the spool and ping the hook pull :mad3: , this was a much better fish, At this stage everyone was jeered up so more jigs gets dropped, feeling a little disappointed as i know i have lost my chance with a good fish. I ropped my jig again, the jig hits the bottom i get it up 10 or so meter and get hit again, this thing was a machine! line immediatley was peeling off the little 4500 heading in one direction towards the reef, this time i wasn't going to lose him pump and wind pump and wind i gave it all i had, the rod butt was digging in to my stomach but this was the least of my worries as i still had plenty of to work to do, the next feel minute was heart in mouth stuff, i finally turned him and had him comming up, i gained some and he took some but i had him away already and had a sniff at the prize. The fish faught all the way up after i had him half way up the thoughts of is my knots going to hold, is the leader damaged or will a bloody jacket bite me off ran through my head. But all this faded when we had colour and with a good net shot I had my first Hoodie king on the deck. I checked my leader and there was damage shown but eveything held together and the fish god smiled upon me.

Need less to say we stayed around and jigged more but the action dead of again and another mate scored a 83cm model and plenty more of of 70cm plus and undersized fish. All day the action was pretty consistent with fish coming over the side on every drift.

towards the end the wind picked up and made our life very hard as we counldn't get our jigs down to he bottom so a call for the day was made, all up I am sore all over but that is all part of the fun.

The stats:

Size 105cm

Weight 9.80kg

Hope you enjoyed the read.



that is a great fighting kingie all 105cms of it :thumbup:

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