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King's Aplenty!


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Hi Raiders, went very early this morning for a quick fish before work.

We were in the water @ 5.15 am, motored out botany heads looking for surface action. Found plenty off Long Bay, schools of rats ( 60cms ) with a few bonitos in the mix. My first cast hooked a bonnie and the other boys were into the kings aswell. A fun morning until the southerley kicked up for a rough ride home. All in all well worth the effort and much fun was had. Get into it boys and girls!

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Nice work mate - i'm on holidays from next Tuesday onwards for 7 weeks! Can't wait to get stuck into some seriosu fishing!

omg 7 weeks of fishing would be awsome i so envy u although im having 10 days of through xmas 90% of it will be spent aboard a boat! hopefully pulling kings in,

i'll be outside fishing sunday for kings hopefully the swell isnt to big by then with this terrible wind around.

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