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I own a Tonne of metals in a variety of shapes, sizes and weights and to this day in my life i have not caught a fish on a metal... Off a boat , off the rocks...nothing.

Needless to say a havnt come across a frenzied ball of salmon, but i think for the amount of time and effort I've put in to fishing with metals i would have caught something by now.

So the only thing i can think of is i must be doing it wrong...

If and Raiders out there can give me some feedback on what they belive is the right technique, I'd be intrested to know :)


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ive caught a few salmon and tailor with metals and find that they can be very good with the tailor. I only have caught fish using metals when i can sight a school feeding on the surface, or maybe see a few tails splashing about.

Just cast into the thick of the school and when it hits the surface just crank it back fast so that it swims on or just below the surface. It will generally get smashed after a few cranks.

You will get more hits especially with salmon if you match the size of the lure to what theyre feeding on at the time. You could do the same technque with SP's but if its tailor they tend to tear the tails off your SP's and not hook up.

If kingies are feeding on the surface i will use this technique with a white Squidgie flickbait.

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G'day Rockfisherman

The trick to fishing metals is i believe the reel

Buy a reel that has a real fast retrieve that is one that is 6 to 1

That is every time you turn the handle once the spool moves 6 times

Throw the lure as far as you can wait about ten seconds letting it sink but not far enough to get snagged on the bottom then crank it back as fast as you can. the surface fish love a fast moving lure. salmon are probably the only ones who don't like it fast.

Hope this helps

Good luck and keep trying

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Tailor are the easiest species of fish to catch on metals once you get the hang off it... I cast it and let it make a big splash... Once it splashes reel in as fast as you can :thumbup: I find alot off the times the splash will excite the tailor and once you start reeling for about a foot...your on

Goodluck :thumbup:

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my metals dont come out of the bag unless there is a school of fish on the surface

im sure they would probally work if you just blind case them at some fishy looking spots

but i have never tried nor would i bother there's better lures for doing that

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