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Tentative Newbie


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1st time post.

I have just purchased my 1st boat about 2 months ago (4.3m Stacer Seaway - 40hp 4 stroke) - the last one was borrowing my son's 3m/5 HP for the upper Georges River. With the new boat, I have gradually worked up the Georges River from Picnic Point and finally got to the side of Towra across from Sandringham Beach.

I am still tentative about getting out to the Bay due to weather (or maybe it's just me being too conservative regarding safety). I see a few smaller tinnies than mine going hell for leather out past Dolls Point and beyond. I also noticed a few photos show smaller boats than mine over at the runways.

My question is about safety and the Bay (probably covered a hundred time before). Are there better places to fish in comparison to wind direction ? Do I hug the shores and fish/travel there ? Do I just bite the bullet and follow other boats on good days.

Thanks all


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Nothing wrong with being cautious. It all takes time. And its better than being brave and in trouble,(or worse).

You will find that the more you go out, the more you will learn.

You will also find, like myself, that when you venture out when its a bit rough, you will come back in, not because its that dangerous, but because its just not comfortable. And if thats the case, its not fun either, and that is what is is all about...FUN.

Always check the forecast, and always trust your instincts . They are usually right.

Happy Hunting.


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Hi Flano

Im a regular bay fisher in fact im there almost every week. My boat is a 4.15 seajay tinnie and i take it out all the way to the mouth of the bay on calm days.

I have no doubt that your vessell can handle the bay on a nice day but only if you feel confident to skipper these waters. Most times i fish early mornings up to about 12pm because it is usually the calmest part of the day there and the wind really picks up after that.

I always check weather reports on www.bom.gov.au and wind reports on www.seabreeze.com.au before i decide to go out there. If it gets a little too rough i head back immediately because there is no fish worth risking my life for.

As long as you are sensible and confident in your boat and yourself it can be a very enjoyable place to fish as it is quite easy to navigate and holds plenty of fish. Its also a good idea to wear lifejacket at all times too.

If its too choppy on the day just fish from wooloware bay back into georges river.

Congrats on the new boat

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Thanks all. I though I was just being a wuss, but I guess confidencence goes hand in hand with safety and experience. Hopefully I'll see a few of you out there sometime in the new year - just look for the silver Seaway with the green bimini. I'll be the one in the deck chair throwing a line out the back.

Stay safe out there, 'cause there are people at home who care.


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As the others have said, there is nothing wrong with being cautious. I have fished the bay in many small boats, including my 10ft punt. Pick your days, keep your eye on the weather, know your lee shores and know when to call it quits and head home or up the river. Life jacket on when the weather is questionable, at least. Sometimes you don't judge it quite right (when the fish are biting it's hard to pull in the rods!), so you need a "Plan B or C". You might get wet but the main thing is staying safe. If you do get caught out when the weather gets wild, you can always pull up on a beach and wait it out, or call someone to come and get you and go and get your trailer and bring it to the boat. I've done that before - it's a bit of a hassle but is a safe option.

See you out there sometime.


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Hi Flano,

Let me make you feel as welcome as the others did when i first joined not so long ago.

Congratulations on your new toy. I only fish Botany Bay and am out there at least once a week.

The bay can get really choppy really quickly but as the others have said, check weather reports.

I too love to fish early in the morning until about midday and then the wind usually picks up so i call it a day. My boat is only a 4.5 metre with a 90hp Johnson, and have found that if im out and its choppy and windy on the way back, i just take it a little bit easier and its alot more comfortable and safer, yeah it takes a bit longer but a lot less stressed once back.

If i can be of any further help, feel free to message me.

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There are no heroes in this field.

Saftey is every ones right and concern and you are definately doing the right thing.

You are taking your time and slowly working out your and your boats limitations.

You must always check the weather forcast and if in doubt ? DONT GO OUT.

When the conditions are favourable,you can venture forth and if it does become uncomfortable for you or your crew and vessel,ABORT your mission and head for calmer waters.

The bay can be a great spot in favourable winds and your vessel is quite at home in good conditions.

When the BAY TURNS NASTY IN HEAVY WINDS ,it is no place for the faint -hearted or the foolhardy.

Good luck with your ventures and maybe get some of our fellow bay fishers to go along with you till you feel some what more comfortable.

Regards Swordfisherman

That is the best info your gonna get mate. If taken, you will get to be an old salt.

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gday mate , i have a 3.8 tinny with a 25 on the back and fish the bay all over all the time , aslong as you check the seabreeze website and weather sites and have all the safety gear on board it is sweet as, just pay attention to your surroundings to where you would concider heading if bad weather hit. i also have a vhf on board even to use just in the bay if need be as most boaties would concider helping you out if need be, and a fully charged mobile before you head out is a must. good luck and just never take a risk when in doubt.cam.,

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Welcome to the site

I am cautious like u everytime i hit the bay no matter what the weather forecast and other info i get im always carefull ,u just dont know what the weather gonna do..

3 things u have to look at for in life

1 fire

2 water

3 Women..

Anyway good luck with your ventures and Sunday looks like the pick of the Days this week..

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I'm with everyone else..

Time, patience and experience. The more times you go there the more you will get comfortable.

Have the same size boat as yourself, but with a 50hp on the back.

Made 5 trips to the Hawkesburry slowly moving further towards the heads each trip, when on the 6th trip i finally made Lion Island (all around)

Small step for some, but the persistance and patience paid of for me. Now i'm comfortable going out there all the time.

Next step I am also heading out to Botany to expand my fishing spots.

Will be interested to hear how you went... Maybe we can book in a date (in the new year) and take both boats out to Botany ... Safety in numbers sorta thing..

P.M me and let me know how you go



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My wife and I bought our first boat 10 months ago. A 475 Quintrex with a 70hp 2 stroke Yamaha. We have done about 40 hours on the engine and spend most of our outings on the Bay or Sydney Harbour.

Like they say, it is a matter of getting used to what the boat can do in various conditions and as you get more experience and confidence you can take the next step. Sometimes conditions change on you and force you to cope. A predicted 10knot breeze may turn into a 25knot wind and whip up the chop to a metre. You just have to take it easy. Some wakes you will encounter will be larger than any chop you are likely to come across.

We have been through it and have gradually learned what to look for and what the boat will handle. We have learned that the boat will handle a lot more than we are comfortable with. We have been out the HEads with a choppy short 2metre swell but it was just too uncomfortable to try to sit there and fish while getting tossed around. So we came back in and learned that it is better to stay in front of the following big swells instead of surfing down them into the harbour because you have better control.

We have been fishing off Point Perpendicular when the wind came up and the tide turned so we headed for home. It was a slower trip but we found out that the boat handled it fine and we got a little wet quartering into the wind.

We are still new kids but we are a lot more confident in reading conditions than we used to be. And you can usually find a sheltered place to fish in the Bay somewhere. Just take a step at a time. You have a good boat with high freeboard so it should be able to handle most days on the Bay.

Gee, for a new guy to this forum, I have run off at the mouth a bit. But we both love our boating and like fishing off Captain Cook's landing place and Bare Island fort. And dropping into a shelterd bay for a bite of lunch. That's the way to spend your time!

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