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Terrorisin' The Timber


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GDay all

Happy New Year to you all. I have finally landed back after spending 2 weeks sweltering back home in rural Victoria. I am pretty happy to fish in most conditions but it's tough when the temp exceeds 40 degrees by lunchtime :( That said, it rare to get the opportunity to fish with my father, brothers and nephew Kyle on the water in their home territory so we persevered.

We snuck out one morning onto the Loddon river. The temp was already in the low 30s by 8am, but there was a lot of timber in shadowed bends so that where we sought the fish. The redfin population was out in force and made frequent appearances slashing behind the lures. Spinnerbaits and hardbodies fished in the deeper water were not attracting any attention, so I switched to a shallow diving lure. A couple of knocks on the lure revealed that the lure was just skimming the tops of the snags. A short while later, (much to Dad's amusement), I was rewarded with a nice little yella of 43cm ... a great table fish


A nice way to open the account, but unfortunately he was the only fish to put in an appearance on the day. Hmmm. Time to get out of the heat and consider another plan. The following day was spent on the dam harvesting a feed of yabbies. One in particular caught our attention due to his 'deformity'


Another session on the Loddon produced a couple of redfin but once again the cod eluded us. Regardless of the poor success rate, the Loddon is a picturesque river to fish on. I certainly had no complaints :biggrin2:

Brother #2 (Buddha) and son Kyle invited brother #3 (Budgie) and myself for a session on the Wakool river. It has been at least a decade since I have fished there so I didn't need to be asked twice.

On the eve of our trip, Buddha phoned to say that he had accessed some private property for us to fish and that we would be heading out to the river that night! "It's got a bit of a hut on it. It's not much but it will be comfortable enough". Judge for yourself ....






There have been reports of late about cod in good numbers in the Wakool, although predominately undersize. There was no boat on this trip; it was a case of wander the banks and throw at the abundant timber in the water. The river is very narrow is some areas, and quite expansive in others.





We used the night to set up our swags and to enjoy a quite beer or 10. I quick flick for an hour or so failed to produce a fish, but everyone was keen for the following morning. Awoke at the gentlemanly hour of 7am and enjoyed a hot coffee while re-tying leaders and putting stingers on spinnerbaits. The weather gods had also smiled on us and provided a light breeze and mild temp.

To say we enjoyed ourselves is an understatement. True to rumour, all our fish were undersize, although three of them were JUST under. It took very few casts to ascertain that the fish were holding very close to structure, and even the smallest of them was brutal in it's initial attack on the lure. You constantly feel knocks and vibrations on your spinnerbaits when playing in the wood, but there is no mistaking the 'thud' when a cod takes the lure! Your next mission is to get the bugger out of there!







They are beautifully marked fish


Nearly legal ... and missed the stinger!


My favourite photo from the trip ... "inhaled"

We wandered the banks for several hours, dropping as many fish as we landed. Honours for the morning went to Buddha with 5 cod, and Budgie and I contributed 3 each. Luck conspired against young Kyle on this trip, which is a rarity for him! All fish were caught on 1/2 or 3/8 oz spinnerbaits in black/dark green, black/purple or black/red. Twin gold colorado blades were the most effective in the 'milky' water. The boys were using raider rods matched to chronarchs and I was using a Daiwa Advantage baitcaster combo. Braid was 18 - 25lb, and leaders were 20lb flurocarbon. For all the lure fishing we did, the rivers only claimed 4 spinnerbaits for the duration :thumbup:

It was a fantastic morning, with the highlight being the three of us (spread out over 50m) hooking up for a triple! :1yikes: A heap of laughs and many memorable moments. My thanks to Dad and the boys for a great holiday. Budgie is heading here at the end of the week and is expecting to catch a flathead ... I reckon I might be able to re-pay the favour ;)



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It's always great to get away with family and do a bit of fishing. The accommodation looks fine to me. What a great place to spend a few days doing what you enjoy with people you like. I'm sure you will repay your brother with some great flathead in God's country.

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Great report Skip & glad you had a great time with the family. Priceless I reckon! :thumbup:

At least you got into a few fish & even an undersized a cod is a cod & a load of fun all the same.

The hut looks bloody comfy to me!!

I reckon you'll catch your brother a monster flattie or 5 & a few others as well.

Glad to see that at least one of you hasn't got the porn star mo! :074::074:

Thanks for a top report mate. Glad you're back!



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I just showed my family the pics of your trip and it looks like you have done the right thing and escaped the tourist hoards...fishing here has been pretty average for a week or so. I just love those pics of the shacks and the masterchef kitchen! Great cod BTW!!!!!

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Another awesome and very descriptive report Hodgey! You certainly know how to catch them. Stayed in a few huts like that, lot of character and nice to sit back and enjoy the surroundings.

I was absolutely positive (actually lost money on a bet) that even though you were fresh water fishing you would still pull a 80cm+ flatty out of there! :1prop:

I am glad you had a great trip, safe and had quality family time.

All the best for 2010, may it be as productive as 2009. Happy New Year!

I have 9 days off coming up, and will be heading down just before the tin lids head back to school. Hopefully the area has quietened down and the fishing has had a chance to recover.



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Glad you enjoyed your time in my part of the world Hodgey,

I grew up in Cohuna fishing the Wakool, Gunbower Creek and the Murray and yeah it can get bloody hot. Spend most of my time chasing cod and yellas in Lake Mulwala these days (definitely a place you should mark on your to do list when you next come this way) and yes nothing compares to a decent cod hitting a spinnerbait as it rattles through the snags.

The blokes over this way take there " shack" building quite seriously at times and some end up more like Bush Hilton's. It is amazing what can be recycled to make a good hut unique.

Great story, great pics

Cheers, Dave

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Glad you enjoyed your time in my part of the world Hodgey,

I grew up in Cohuna fishing the Wakool, Gunbower Creek and the Murray and yeah it can get bloody hot. Spend most of my time chasing cod and yellas in Lake Mulwala these days (definitely a place you should mark on your to do list when you next come this way) and yes nothing compares to a decent cod hitting a spinnerbait as it rattles through the snags.

The blokes over this way take there " shack" building quite seriously at times and some end up more like Bush Hilton's. It is amazing what can be recycled to make a good hut unique.

Great story, great pics

Cheers, Dave

GDay Dave

I was born in Cohuna! My Grandparents have lived there for over 60 years. I lived on Gunbower Island Caravan Park and spent many years spinning for reddies and yellas near the Cohuna Weir.

Lake Mulwala is still a bit of a mystery to me. I have only fished it (and the Ovens) a couple of times. I would certainly be very grateful for any tips you have ;)

Your comment regarding the hut is spot on. This particular one has been 'built' over the course of about 7 years I believe. It is a great little place, complete with gas fridges and freezers, generator-driven lighting, and hand-pump shower.



I was absolutely positive (actually lost money on a bet) that even though you were fresh water fishing you would still pull a 80cm+ flatty out of there! :1prop:



:Funny-Post: First morning out on the Loddon, Rob, and my brother said "Like to see you pull a big flattie out of HERE, ya tinny bugger!"

See you when you head down, mate


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Love it Hodgey!! That shack reminds me of the 'back woods' folk in that 70's movie that had Duelling Banjos in it!! Deliverance!! Keep lookin' over your shoulder!!! If you've never seen it, get it out on Video!!

What a great time with your family! That water looks just SOOOO fishy! Shame the big ones didn't come out to play ....... next time! They are such gorgeous looking fish. I love the colours.

Bet you are pleased to be back home to more moderate temperatures!

Love to the family



Edited by Roberta
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