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Patonga, Juno, West Head Etc..


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Launched at Brooklyn at 3.30am and was in the water 5 mins before I realised I hadn't put the bungs in.

Had to put the boat back on the trailer in a panic but sorted that out pretty quick.

Headed to Juno point armed with some squid I had frozen from the week before. Only pickers, small tailor.

Headed towards the blue and there wre schools of juvinile tailor busting up everywhere.

There were some legals in there amongst them and lost quite a few plastics picking through them.

Did a few drifts for flattys but cam up empty.

Trolled around lion island for zilch.

Did a few drifts near Darks for nothing also.

Anchored near lion islans for some horrid cod and a port Jackson.

Trolled back to the ramp.

I spoke to a few fishos on the water and they were all struggling also.

Did anyone do OK cause I didn't.



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G'day Pete, your first outing in the boat must have been exciting for you. Shame you didn't score any decent fish, they are there and I'll get out there with you one day and show you some spots.

Don't worry about the bung thing I'll bet that's happened to heaps of boaties in their early years.. :thumbup:

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Hey Pete

We were behind you at the ramp when that storm hit

Tip Tip

Yeah mate, I heard someone shout out but with it pissing down, I just assumed it was cranky mo fo's shouting out that I cut in to the ramp.

My mate later told me that you asked about if I was 007.

Sorry I didn't register what was going on.

Make sure you say hi next time you see me on the water.

Did you catch anything worth noting?



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shame you didnt get into some bigger fish

i havnt fished pittwater for a few weeks now so hopefully its heating up

theres a good drift near lion island thats normally pretty good for flattys

also heard that some of the fish traps outside are holding some dollys a lot are undersize but a few are legal

not sure on distance from land so could possibly be out of range for a non epirb boat

I might try get out for a session some time this weekend depending on how I feel after the big day out on Saturday

Good to hear the boat went well hopefully you wont forget about the bungs again ha

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007, also have done that. Part of the initiation.

I reckon its worse when a mate is helping you out getting the boat ready, as you get out of your normal routine .

A month back a mate, my missus and I all managed to hook up my Qunnie 560 and then forget to put the trailer lock hitch down.

No worries dropping the boat in, but got really exciting pulling it out at Patonga on a low tide! Trailer pops off the hitch with boat about 1/4 way in. Chain held it on, but i was in the boat so no bloody help so Jac and Chris both doing Hulk imitations managed to force it back on! Pretty good going considering the Honda Civic on the transom. I did point out much to their displeasure that I was lucky they had on a bit of Christmas weight!!

Oh and I had a bugger of a weekend as well. Met another mate in Refuge Bay,yachting rather than fishing type , his 8 year old and my 10 year old decide to "annoy" yellow tail and small tailor. He's got a 34" yacht so he, my wife and his are sitting boozing while I'm in the rafted up Quinnie battling children, hooks and bait going everywhere.

Me thinks well there all these yellow tail so why not put out some livies......... except of course it's Refuge Bay the place is full of boats and people swimming, plus it a beautiful still day and mid afternoon. Logic says there is going to be bugger all going on round here. But I'm swimming in yellowtail!

So i put out two lines with livies on and head to the Catalina for a bevy :beersmile:

5 minutes later one rod goes off! Off course it would, just getting my first beer in! I battle my way across the boats nearly fall off and get to my rod which I've installed in the bow to ensure the kids don't kick it overboard ........ just a bit too late! Livie 3/4 gone! One bite! While I'm sorting that out the other rod goes off, same deal!

2 LARGE yellowtail nailed. :mad3:

I re-bait dodge the youngsters for 20 minutes.....nothing (andthey are of course popping corks at me from the yacht) so decide reluctantly to head back for my beer...., surely it can't happen all over again but about 45 minutes later......ahhhhhh. Same rod only whole fish gone and missed both hooks!

While I'm baiting up rod number one # 2 goes off and I'm finally on...... only this doesn't feel like a bitey ... more like a wet sack! Up comes a Wobby, biggest I've seen except diving, around 4". Kids got a buzz and we sent it on it's way.

Reckon the first ones were big tailor or maybe Kings, wouldn't have been chomped by Wobbys or Blinds, you just never know!

Anyway back out next weekend and no more Mr Nice Guy!



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