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Sydney Harbour 22.1.10


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Hi Raiders,

Me and my mate are long time readers and first time post.

I originally called us Team No Fish (TnF) because we never catches anything decent or worth talking about.

From time to time, we'd spent an average of 12hrs on the water and catching only a couple of just legal fish.

Not really worth the time. Considering how other pros only spend couple of hrs and catching a feast. But in time I believe we will get there.

So here's how things went on Friday at the harbour.

The plan was to grab some livies, and aim for Kingfish. This is my first time fishing on the boat at the harbour, so I didn't know what to expect. My mate been here before a couple of times, so he has a rough idea of where to catch livies, and where the typical hot spots are. (where all the boats usually hang around)

So we met up early, got into the water at 5am. An hour later we got 20 yaka, and 1 squid in the tank. So we venture to the heads. We hang around the marker just inside the north head. We had 2 rods bottom bashing, one with live yaka, and the other with squid strip. While that was left to drift, we both spin on the surface from metal slice, to poppers, to divers. (both very keen to use our latest gears. Daiwa Branzino, and Daiwa Certate) Two hours later and nothing was biting, so we decide to go outside and join some other boats just off the south head. Nothing big was biting still, but one SEAL did came close to our boat and said hi. In the end we did landed two red rock cod, and one leather jacket. Before we venture back inside.

By about 11:00am, we went back inside the harbour hoping to catch some breams and flatheads. To our little luck, we manage to land two flatheads and three breams. And alot of undersize fishes that was thrown back. The fun lasted for about three hours, and I think during that time it was the change of high tide.

By about 3:00pm we had a call from a mate, saying he's bringing another mate. And that he's going to bring food and bait for us. So we were happy to go back to the ramp to pick them up, because we were running low on food and water. We ate and rested for about 30mins. Then venture out into the north head marker again, the first spot we fished. It was the only place we could think of to hide from the northerly wind that was picking up really quickly.

By now there were four people on the boat, and it was getting crowded. So we decided to fish with only one rod each. With two rods bottom bashing with live yaka. And the other two guys that just joined us bottom bash with bream gear on pillies cube. After they've been pulling up about 20 undersize snapper, something came along and took the little hook. It was our first legal Kingie and it went 67cm. The fight lastest about five minutes. And smiles were all round.

The wind was picking up by the hour. We couldn't think of anywhere to fish, so we decided to stay there for the next couple of hours after dark and see if there's any tailors. And we were in luck. The last couple of hours has landed us serveral tailors, one slimey mackerel, big yakas, and one Rat. All were using light gears, and it was fun. By now its 10:30pm, and we called it a night.

Total tally was

1 kingie, 9 tailors,

1 mackerel and 3 big yaka (kept for bait next time)

2 flatheads, 3breams.

1 leatherjacket, and 2 red rock cod

Thanks for reading. TnF


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:1welcomeani: good read buddy,well done for sticking it out & you guys were rewarded wif sum nice fish.persistance paid off for you guys that day.

tip.if fishing is a little slow[or good for that matter],add sum burley to the water.in turn you'l start the food chain goin.firstly small fish,yakkas,slimies,sweep & so on.thier feeding activity in turn create commotion in the water & other fish cum in there burley to see wats goin on & feed.remember,where theres bait around,predators wont be too far behind.

bait scraps like prawn shells & heads,pillie cubes,fish guts & pieces & my fav of all,mashed bread are all great burley.its also good to incorperate some of the bait your using into the burley so the fish get a taste of what your offering em.e.g.whole or half pilly bait,small chunks for burley.

you probably know this & did burley that day,but i jus thought id mention it incase you didnt & if other raiders reading needed sum tips.im no expert by any means,but i like to share what i know.it jus part of beimg a member of this great family we call FISHRAIDER!!!!!! :thumbup::thumbup:

cheers johnny. :beersmile:

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Thanks everyone for reading, and welcoming us.

And, thanks fisher doi for the burley tip. We did have a few old frozen yellow from last trip,

that was cut up into little pieces, and chopped up pillies thrown into the drink every once in awhile.

But it was never ontop of my mind to bring lots and lots of burley.

Its definitely a good tip. Thanks buddy...

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