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Australia Day In The Bay

Aqua Naut

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A quick session in the morning was productive finally some action in BB. Heaps of tiny white bait scooting the surface just South off the third runway with Tailor and Kingfish hitting the balls. Out came the gillies 10g and it was getting smashed every cast. Hooked 10 nice Tailor at 45cm. The Kings were behind the tailor chasing them all the way to the boat. That was awesome to see :1yikes: . The Kings didn't want a bar of the lure as they were just interested in chasing it and nothing else. They were only rats and a heap of them too. Went quiet for a while so I decided to give outside a go with the down rigger with some livies down deep. Tried several trolls but nothing. :mad3:

Decided to head to Brighton for lunch and a swim and try alittle more fishing in the arvo. Headed straight out to the same spot as the birds were going nuts. Got the lures out again and :thumbup: on again. Another quick hour of fun with a couple of Salmon going 2kg's and another 3 Tailor at 45cm. Lost my only 10g lure I had and decided to head home. Anything larger than the 10g lure they would not touch it. All in all a fun days :1fishing1: for a change! :thumbup: Tight lines.

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looks like you found the kings :P i trolled out the heads with the downrigger i got one hit going south from the head down that channel off kernell but lost the whole rig seems to have just chomped straight through the line.

i think i tried almost everywhere but the runway on aussieday go figure haha

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