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Hi all had a cousin stay with me for the weekend I promised him we will be eating crab Saturday night.

A bold promise since the crabs have been even slower than last year which was the worst for many years.

Hit the water about 8.00am headed from Lemontree Passage to the upper raeches of Tilligery Creek

Dropped 10 witches hats down first pick up 4 small blue swimmers and a shovel nose all went back :thumbdown:, next pick up after being down for about an hour average blue swimmer and mud crab things looking up first muddie for about 3 years.Third check I start to bring some witches hat in the boat to move Grant thinks we got another shovel nose in third or forth hat I coundnt see the hat then he says I think this is why we are here and lifts in the biggest muddie I have ever caught and drops it on the floor and it starts doing a tango :1yikes: next few minutes chaos the crab was just in the one he was caught on grabed another i was going to move,the radio,destroyed my racing guide and tube of sunscreen.

Deciding to clear the decks and threw the 2 witches hats out along with my non floating knife jump up on the seat grab a gaff and started jousting with it then realised we had drifted very close to an oyster lease threw the anchor out for round 2.

Got him into 30 litre bucket with some handing work.

Arrived home asked Grant to put him the freezer :074: came up with new idea to get him ready for the pot half a bag of party ice on him then 6 beers and other half of party ice drink 3 beers each and buy that he should be asleep worked a treat :thumbup:

All up finished with 2 muddies and 5 blue swimmers in about 6-7 hours.







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Very nice. Rampant muddy in the bottom of the boat is always fun.

Next time you put one on ice have a go at cooking it in the actual beer.

I have used a mix of one bottle of beer to a half a bottle of water with a few chillies and some pepper. It comes up a treat.


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