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Jew Session With Mercer007


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gday raiders, I had the pleasure of meeting up with mercer007(pete)for a jew session last night after reading his request in adopt a learner.

Pete is a great guy and already a very accomplished fisherman just needed a few tips on where and how and so forth to help him succeed in catching his first jew.

Things didnt look real good as I started the trip down the mountain into wisemans ferry as the water looked like a giant river of chocolate, not sure if the big tides or rain that we had about 6 weeks ago had caused the discolouration but armed with the knowledge that the jew start to fire at this time of the year I maintained a positive outlook and almost succeeded in putting pete on to his first jew but unfortunately it wasn't to be. I managed to hook and land 3 that were just under legal size before dark and things were looking like it would be the day for pete to break his duck but unfortunately as darkness fell, the catfish came out in the gazillions!!!and it was vertually impossible to keep a bait in the water long enough for any other fish to find it, prawns were scoffed immediately, full squid and slab baits were attacked so ravenously that within minutes they no longer resembled the carefully presented bait that was put out in the first place, at one stage we had a triple hook up of catties!

on a positive note pete did catch 3 flathead before nightfall, one of which was quite a nice speciman at a guess around 60cm.

Around 9pm a storm started to brew and there was a bit of thunder and lightning so we pulled the pin and left the catfish for someone else to catch.

I will try and get a couple of photos up a little later but I am having a few computer problems at the moment ( running painfully slow).

Thanks pete for your company I really enjoyed it and hopefully you learned something, we will definately arrange another trip when the water cleans up as I dont feel as though yesterday was a success and I wont be happy until you have captured your first jew!


Edited by tide'n'knots
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Seems that you guys have an interesting trip....where about in Wisemans Ferry you guys go? boat or landbased?

coz i'm heading up there on saturday (if the weather is clearing up by then)

and i'm not sure where is good in Wisemans Ferry

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Good on you Pete for Taking someone else under your wing your definately someone to learn from and a stand up good bloke.

Pete (Mercer007) I remember last year at Avoca when you were teaching me stuff along with Ray you are a great Fisherman and I have been following your posts and your doing pretty well I am almost 100% sure that weather Permitting you will definately be a threat to the Jew population and will soon be producing specimens close to if not over the Metre Mark and I really look foreward to reading about it and seeing the pics.

Pete (Tide'n'Knots) Keep em coming and keep up the good work your a really great Fisherman and Bloke looking forward to seeing what you can produce also!!!!!!!

My brother has just purchased a Boat and wants to target Jewwies so we too will be out there once the Weather clear's up so watch out Jewwies here we come!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Also forgot to mention 007 Well done on the flattie preety good size I am only catching them around the 40 mark pb is around 50 and from that size is when they start getting real big well done!!!!!!!!!



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Hang in there Pete,

Cannot beat local knowledge when it comes to fishing, and Tide n Knots is the master when it comes to the silver subs.

Pity the fish you were targeting werent in plague proportions like the catties. :thumbdown:

Our waterways must be infested with the buggers.

Twin 1

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Catties!!! You just reminded me why i fish at the pittwater side of the river rather than up that end. The problem with the catties is that they dont run unless there absolutely massive so you think your baits in the water waiting for a jew until you get sick of waiting and then realise that its had a cattie on it for the last 30 minutes - watch the spike though - very, very bad.

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Hi pete,

Well done on getting amongst a few.

This is always the beginning of serious jew time - easter weeekend.

We went out monday arvo in perfect calm, overcast conditions and no other boats - yeah!!

Tried a few of the usual spots with kings found at two of them. Louis hooked two kings on extremely light gear. Got one to the side of the boat but pinged us off. Good mixed bag though catching big bream, trevs, flatties and tailor.

Spent some time soaking a bait for jews but pulled the plug early due to the storm.

Keen to go out with ya again soon mate on your turf when you have time.



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Hi pete,

Well done on getting amongst a few.

This is always the beginning of serious jew time - easter weeekend.

We went out monday arvo in perfect calm, overcast conditions and no other boats - yeah!!

Tried a few of the usual spots with kings found at two of them. Louis hooked two kings on extremely light gear. Got one to the side of the boat but pinged us off. Good mixed bag though catching big bream, trevs, flatties and tailor.

Spent some time soaking a bait for jews but pulled the plug early due to the storm.

Keen to go out with ya again soon mate on your turf when you have time.



gday mike,

the jew should be starting in good numbers up around wisemans now but after the other night I think it is probably going to be a daytime proposition until the water clears a bit and the catfish thin out.I am looking forward to getting pete(mercer007) onto his first jew and I am definately going to arrange another trip soon with him - we might be able to fish 2 boats side by side? plus I am taking 2 weeks off in early may so we can definately organise something then.

talk soon


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gday mike,

the jew should be starting in good numbers up around wisemans now but after the other night I think it is probably going to be a daytime proposition until the water clears a bit and the catfish thin out.I am looking forward to getting pete(mercer007) onto his first jew and I am definately going to arrange another trip soon with him - we might be able to fish 2 boats side by side? plus I am taking 2 weeks off in early may so we can definately organise something then.

talk soon



Even though I didn't land a Jew it was still a great arvo to be out.

Flat out at work, will post up a pic or 2 later.


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