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Bad Day At Avoca


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hey guys,

I'm a long time forum browser but this is the first time i've actually posted.

Well to cut things short, headed out to Avoca Beach today with a good mate of mine hoping to atleast SOMETHING! ahahahahha

Got there about 1:30pm and casted out 2 rods, both with floats and ganged pillies!!!!

we waited... and waited... and waited... NOTHING!@!!!

then about 4:30 my float sinks down, FISH! i thought.... gave it a good tug abut the my floaty floats agains... O_O?

recasted it and same thing... float goes down... yet nothing..... weird....

same thing kept happening until we finally gave up... might head back there tomorrow morning before sun rises... see how the weather holds up first.

anyways thats my rant ;D~

btw was wondering could it be squids that pulls my floats down? if it is, i'm going to try and use jigs instead =]



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Definitely sounds like squid. Especially if it looks like your float is steadily sinking under the surface as opposed to suddenly sinking.

If it happens often enough (after the excitement of striking your rod repeatedly without hooking up wears off), lower your rod tip and then slowly wind in the slack. Gently lift your rod tip and you will probably feel the squid swimming off with your pilchard. If you keep winding in slowly you might find yourself in a game of tug of war with the squid. Your chances of landing him are very slim but if you can get him in close enough, a friend might be able to scoop him up with a landing net or cast another rod out with a jig attached.

In some cases they will refuse to let go even when you have lifted the bait out of the water but usually let go and end up back in the drink. Every once in a while they will end up at your feet.

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Yep, squid. There was a few out today, I even got one on a spinner :074: No fish either for me.

Swells were sloppy and unpredictable, grey and gloomy, should have gone inside somewhere :mad3:

I think the first prob is using pilles... Avoca is full of Yakkas, and they're not hard to catch. Buy bait if you want to go fishing, catch bait if you want to catch fish. But some days, there's just nothing out. (And generally, if there's no fish about, squid are out hunting)

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yeah.. ill try that thing with the rod next time =]

thanks for the advice =]

haahah yeah my floating kept going down slowly.... damn... if i knew it was a squid i wouldnt have been so rough on it!


thanks for the tip guys =]

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Yep, we've all been waiting for them... Very late this year. Last year they came through in the 2nd week of March. I heard they got a couple last weekend too, but haven't spoken to anyone that's got one, only murmurs so far..

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i was there on monday also got nothing but i mercer had some really nice bream :D also another guy had bream and snapper all very nice size, i ended up going up to the entrance and mucked about with some bream on sp's

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ive had a run from what i think was a yellowfin at avoca about a month or so ago :) but everyone there who saw are saying differant lol i saw yellow and blue and it was 1mtre + and peeled 10kg drag like as if i had the drag at 0kg lol people were saying bluefin, i say it was a nothing coz i didnt land it :P

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Didnt you get that rainbow runner at avoca?

What Rainbow Runner? Never heard of such a fish, I hear they gets heaps of other fish at Bassy though, heaps big bonito as well. :biggrin2:

LOL you criminal!

Hey what you doing this weekend, you heading out?

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They went south well over a month ago very fast .there are a still a few things not right yet for the blues to show ,on the centrail coast two weeks is a long seassion for them ,the can show any time ,but ill put my money on the next big swell .

dgf, the reds were a lot better on monday arvo ,17 cast for 16 fish ,all legal all put back as i still had enougth fish from the weekend ,

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