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Port Hacking - Gymea Bay


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Went down to Gymea bay for another landbased session hoping to land some more bream, action was a bit slow at the start until the tide was almost max, started off with a 2" natural shrimp and landed a nice 33cm flounder.


I then proceeded to land a 27cm bream on the same 2" shrimp not long after


Later on during the day I switched to a 2" grub and caught this small red


I've been using 8lb vanish, and I have a feeling I will get ALOT more takes if I dropped it down to around 4lbs, so next time I head to the shops I will be adding much lighter line in to hopefully catch some more of those nice bream!

Edited by Raii
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That's a nice flounder and bream Raii. :thumbup:

I've been using 8lb vanish, and I have a feeling I will get ALOT more takes if I dropped it down to around 4lbs, so next time I head to the shops I will be adding much lighter line in to hopefully catch some more of those nice bream!

Of course you realise that as soon as you use 4lb, a big kingy or jew will cruise by and your reel will be screaming! :074:



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Hahaha, I hope so !

I'm currently using 4lb Fireline and 8lb vanish, so combining 4lb fireline with 4lb vanish should result in more takes

I wouldn't mind hooking up to a kingy or a jew, even the initial run would be enough haha

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