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Long Weekend Fishing :d


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Hey guys, hope you all enjoyed the long weekend :)

I'll start with saturday, left home 6am made our way to Avoca beach for a bonito session, as we arrived saw RayR chasing Bream/Reds and started having a chat and appeared the bonito were not on :( e tried some squiding for live bait for kings and what not with no luck RayR left to goto work and would soon come back, so started spinning for some bonnies and few chases but no hits lost 4 mack bait lures :( (very expensive day) still had some fun Ray eventually came back and proposed we try catch a Groper no problem i say so we went rock hopping to catch some red crabs scored a whole heap of them rigged up my saltist was spooled with 30LB braid (little did i know how powerful these were) tied to 80LB with 60LB leader droped in a crab and WHOAA they can PULL! it was down there playing wit the crab crushing it to bits put on another and Ray went back to get something and the groper HOOKED UP! MY GOD THEY ARE DAMN POWERFUL! This thing pulled my around the rocks i tried to fight it but just kept peeling off drag and going toward his lil hidey hole snapped my braid on the rock and GONE! after one big curse i went n rigged up again this time putting my 80LB trace onto my reel taking about 20mtrs of 80LB to try take this groper out he hooked again and took the hook off this time :( i gave up n went back to spin for bonito chucked on my last mack bait lure Bang first cast mack tuna cast in again and got a bonito cast in again and lost my lure didnt realise my leader was damaged :( anyway landed 3 fish that day and team bangus arrived for tailor session but my mate wanted to go home :( so we left.

promised my wife i would take her on the boat so monday we got up early hooked up the boat n headed out to botany :) great day out on the water other than the WIND blowing us in all directions we still managed for 2 flathead 38cm and 41cm and 8 whiting a nice lil meal tonight for dinner :)

i also hooked up onto this MASSIVE porcupine puffer on plastics while chasing flathead i thought i got a chunk of weed got some pics n video of it ill upload later i didnt bother bringing it onto the boat because he swelled up to the size of a BEACHBALL!!

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hi arron,great read mate.shame about loosing all your mack bait lures,very expensive day.i hate loosing my lures,especially to snags.i dont really mind too much if i loose em to fish after a short fight,but to snags,i hate it.well done on getting some fish though.

cheers johnny. :beersmile:

Edited by fisher doi
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yeh :( 2 were lost to snags while untangling another line from my rod :/ and 1 from a crappy knot and other was casted out n leader snapping :/ but yeh all in all had a good time thats what counts :D

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Hey DGF,

Mate those gropers can get dangerously big for rockhoppers to deal with.

When I used to fish the stones regularly years ago, my mates would spend both Sauturday AND Sunday fishing around La Perouse.

They spooled up with heavy line (one guy got some 200lb braid) and when a big hookup was made, a mate would have to drop his rod and grab the hooked up fisho around the waist.

It was weird to watch if you didn't know what was happening but many times guys nealy went in...

One time a guy got a 14kg blue groper out and it was like a big blue-eye cod.

It was really thick around the shoulders and the scales were like 50c pieces.

He kept it in a rock pool until home-time when it would be despatched to the BBQ.

Well a diver saw it and recognised it as a fish he often feeds during his dives.

The ensuing argument and threats were scary to watch.

The fisho has been fishing there all his life and had a healthy disrespect for divers due to the constant passing of divers around his fishing spot.

The diver had a healthy disrespect for fishos because of the fact they take the fish that he likes to see during his dives as the fish are like mates to him.

These issues fuelled a horrible exchange. If it were not for the fact the fisho was in his 60's, it may have ended a lot worse.

Moral of the story - if you catch a big groper and wish to take it home to eat, just be aware that divers will likely have something to say...

Hide the fish in a backpack or something - or if you're just up to the fight of the fish and a photo prior to release, then that would also work...

...but isn't it an adrenalid rush? You would not think that you could get dragged around like that while standing on terra firma fishing the bottom 20m in front of you...


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Yeah they pull really hard :D i'm thinking of getting some bigger gear for em :P i guess i tested the strength on my nitro rod haha i don't know how big it would of been but boy did he pull!

as for the diver story well divers tough luck i wouldn't hide a fish just to avoid one person have a cry over it :) end of the day i'm allowed to have one :D and divers/hohoho's arn't allowed to touch them.

but yeh i want to land one now :P just because i couldn't get it it's going to make me go back again and try get it again n again untill i win!

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Hey DGF,

It looks like a monster has created a monster !

You'll get groper fever, now that the weather is turning cooler, the westerlies will flatten the sea out for the first 3 or 4 Km, allowing you to access the best / lowest rock ledges for bait and fishing.

Just have your wits about you as even a small wave can bowl you over on these new calm low rock ledges.

These waves are often nothing more than a knee-high surge but the power they pack is phenomenal.

Often the barnacles there are out of horror movies so take extra care, don't let the excitement of old bluey tempt you to throw caution to the wind. Always have several mates around who know the area and can recognise a problem wave coming...

Good luck - and don't give them an inch !!!

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What rig were you using for the Groper DGF???

At least you got a Mack and a Bonnie from spinning- that was what you setup to do and you did it :thumbup:

... Shame bout the Groper though... They go pretty hard I havent caught one in years and years- maybe time to start rock hopping again and try my luck- I got a pretty good spot in Broken Bay I reckon the platform would be chockers with em- and its loaded with lovely red crabs too.

Well done mate

Tight lines


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Hey DFG,

Don't give up on the grouper man, I've been smashed every time by the ones @ Avoca and I'm still trying to land one.

Ive been busted off on 50lb braid and mono so I understand what happened to you.



Cheers :D Im not gonna give up on it now thinking of taking heavy gear to take it out 65lb braid with 100lb leader possibly :P

well done Aaron sounds like you had a good weekend. I just got back from my NZ trip so i will put up a post. It is all quiet on the yellowfin at the moment out wide.

Yeh was pretty good :D yeah i just took a look at your NZ Trip report looks like you had a cracker of a weekend!!

What rig were you using for the Groper DGF???

At least you got a Mack and a Bonnie from spinning- that was what you setup to do and you did it :thumbup:

... Shame bout the Groper though... They go pretty hard I havent caught one in years and years- maybe time to start rock hopping again and try my luck- I got a pretty good spot in Broken Bay I reckon the platform would be chockers with em- and its loaded with lovely red crabs too.

Well done mate

Tight lines


well had tied the braid to 80lb mono from the 80lb mono swivel then 60lb fluro with a decent size hook cant remember the size with a LIGHT running sinker to the hook, hooked the crab through the shell on its ass end :D and droped it down after RayR burley'd up with some Urchins crushed up etc.. :)

Definitely going back to take it out :D and have some photo's with it!

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Hi Aaron, mate that was a great weekend for you full of fishing exploits. Glad you got to feel the power of the mighty groper, now ya know the basics of how to get 'em.

Might get my old grpoer gear out and have a go myself, then you will see what I meant by my rod being like a tent pole.. P.S get yourself a pair of suitable gloves then your hands wont end up like mine..LOL...

Cheers buddy.. :thumbup:

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Moral of the story - if you catch a big groper and wish to take it home to eat, just be aware that divers will likely have something to say...

Hide the fish in a backpack or something - or if you're just up to the fight of the fish and a photo prior to release, then that would also work...

I fish and I snorkel and Groper are the most beautiful, friendly fish. If I saw a blue being pulled out of the water I would be heartbroken as well, but as long as you're not in a marine reserve it's legal so threatening an angler is uncalled for. Knowing what they're like under water I wouldn't have the heart to keep one, I wouldn't even target them but I'd enjoy the fight if I did hook one - would cut it off at the edge of the water though and hopefully next time I am going for a swim I can give him a pat. I hear they're great eating but for me it would be like Homer eating his pet lobster :D

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I fish and I snorkel and Groper are the most beautiful, friendly fish. If I saw a blue being pulled out of the water I would be heartbroken as well, but as long as you're not in a marine reserve it's legal so threatening an angler is uncalled for. Knowing what they're like under water I wouldn't have the heart to keep one, I wouldn't even target them but I'd enjoy the fight if I did hook one - would cut it off at the edge of the water though and hopefully next time I am going for a swim I can give him a pat. I hear they're great eating but for me it would be like Homer eating his pet lobster :D

In the end homer did eat his pet lobster. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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